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169 results found

Higher Education Staff Statistics: UK, 2019/20

This bulletin provides details of staff employment at UK higher education (HE) providers on 1 December 2019. Detailed analysis of the HESA staff record will be available in the Higher Education...

National Archives - financial spend and income compared with last year

The National Archives is the UK government's official archive. We are guardians of some of the most iconic national documents dating back over 1,000 years. We give detailed guidance to government...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important areas for fixed salmon netting around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important areas for fixed salmon netting around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

Fuel Poverty

Households in Fuel Poverty using the government Low Income Low Energy Efficiency (LILEE) method. The data shows numbers and percentages of households at County, District, and Lower Super Output...

RBKC Parking Bay Locations

This dataset contains a list of all Pay & Display, Blue Badge, Motor Bike, Car Club (both City Car Club and Zip Car) parking bays within the boundaries of the Royal Borough of Kensington and...

FCA: Retirement income market data 2021/22

Since the introduction of the pension freedoms in April 2015, the FCA has collected retirement income data from regulated firms. The data enables the FCA to monitor developments in the market, for...

Ramsar Sites

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. Sites proposed for selection are advised by the UK statutory nature conservation agencies, or the...

2021 Census Topic Summary Labour Market & Travel To Work

2021 Census Topic Summary Labour Market & Travel To Work 4th tranche of 2021 Census 'Topic Summary' tables: Labour Market & Travel to Work. These are a set of univariate tables for the...

Parental Responsibility Measures, Attendance Census

The Parental Responsibility Measures Attendance Census is a mandatory data collection for all 152 local authorities in England in respect of their use of penalty notices, parenting contracts and...

Projected Demand for Places at Higher Education Institutions in London

These projections are based on the extrapolation of existing trends in the number of students at higher education institutions in London. The analysis uses data from the Higher Education Statistics...

Soil physico-chemical properties and palm nutrient concentrations in smallholder oil palm plantations, Perak, Malaysia, 2019

This dataset contains information on soil physico-chemical characteristics and palm nutrient concentrations collected in 2019 across twenty-five smallholder oil palm farms in Perak, Malaysia. Leaf...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important Inshore Fishing Grounds around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

2011 Commercial Fishing: Important Inshore Fishing Grounds around Grampian

In order to better understand the nature, extent and intensity of interactions amongst coastal users, Marine Scotland asked the Local Coastal Partnerships to collect spatial data not already...

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO, TPO's) within the boundary of Hyndburn Borough Council. The first TPO was made in the early 1950's with additions at irregular intervals since then

Tree Preservation Orders have been made by Hyndburn Borough Council since the early 1950's. They are intended to preserve and protect either individual trees , groups of trees or areas of woodland...

HMRC Tax Transparency Sector Board

The primary purpose of the Tax Transparency Sector Board is to drive the Departmental transparency agenda and the release of HMRC information in line with the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs...

Heritage at Risk Polygons 2021-2023 GIS data

Heritage at Risk provides an understanding of the overall state of England’s heritage assets. Every year Historic England updates the Heritage at Risk Register. The end result is a dynamic picture...


A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an Order made by a local planning authority to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. Anyone who contravenes an Order...

Newcastle Libraries visits

Monthly number of people visiting (entering) a library; by branch from April 2008 to present. We advise you to explore this data alongside our opening times data set, which shows changes in opening...

Tree Preservation Orders (Points)

When the modern planning system was established under the Town and Country Planning Act 1947 local planning authorities retained their powers to protect trees and woodlands in the interests of...