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544 results found

National Forest Estate Water Pipes England 2016

This dataset shows water pipes within or close to the national forest estate. Attribution statement: Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] [year].

National Forest Estate Water Supply Point England 2016

This dataset shows water supply points within or close to the national forest estate. There will be various boreholes, wells, hydrants and springs present. Attribution statement: Contains OS data ©...

National Forest Estate Masts Aerials England 2016

This dataset shows masts and aerials within or close to the public forest estate. They will often be telecom masts but could be radio or fire towers too. Attribution statement: Contains OS data ©...

Health-related quality of life for carers (NHSOF 2.4)

This indicator measures health-related quality of life for people who identify themselves as helping or supporting family members, friends, neighbours or others with their long-term physical or...

Reinstatement Area

A feature which has a closed (area) geometry and defines the standard the path must be restored to following opening due to works in the highway, as defined in the New Roads and Street Works Act...

Continuous Household Survey 2008/09

This report presents findings from the carers’ module of the Continuous Household Survey (CHS), carried out over the year 1st April 2008 – 31st March 2009. The CHS provides a regular source of...

Spend over £25,000 in HM Revenue & Customs

The spreadsheets below set out monthly details of HMRC’s and Revenue and Customs Digital Technology Services Limited (RCDTS) spending with suppliers covering transactions over £25,000. RCDTS was...

Coronavirus (Covid 19) grant funding: local authority payments to small and medium businesses

Local authorities have received and distributed funding to support small and medium businesses in England during coronavirus. The datasets cover schemes managed by local authorities: Additional...

Maintenance Area

A feature which has a closed (area) geometry and provides information about whether the road is maintained at public expense by a national or local highway authority, a road authority or is...

EWCO - NfC Social

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) ‘Close to settlements’ Additional Contribution. This contribution is available where woodland creation will provide social and...

Approved Food Establishments - Daily update

A full list of establishments approved to handle, prepare or produce products of animal origin for which requirements are laid down in Regulation (EC) No 853/2004. This data is automatically...

DPSA welfare casework WIP PS4A legacy casework

DPSA Welfare casework legacy database closed

Freedom of Information (FOI) Statistics - Environment Agency

Annual statistics of the Environment Agency's Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. This dataset will be updated annually with data from 2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024. Yearly (1st April - 31st...

Qualification and Curriculum Development Agency transactional data Legacy system

Data held from the closed Arms Length Body the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Council

Gilt-edged Market Makers Data

Gilt-edged Market Makers Data facilitates the 'official, close of business reference price for each gilt in issue.

Forest Plans England

This scheme is now closed. Forest Plans have been introduced for landowners who are planning to carry out felling, restocking and thinning in their woodlands over a 20 year period. The Forestry...

Unpaid care (2001 Census)

People providing unpaid care or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of long-term physical or mental health or disability, or problems related to old age Source: Census...

Column ozone levels in the UK

Column ozone levels at Lerwick, Camborne, Reading and Manchester Note: Camborne closed in December 2003. For the Baseline measurement and analysis of UK ozone and UV - 2012 click on web...

Estimated Aspergillus fumigatus concentrations at postcode level within close proximity of outdoor composting facilities in England, 2005-2014

These files represent the model build used to generate postcode level concentrations to estimate Aspergillus fumigatus exposure from outdoor composting activities in England between 2005 and 2014....

Warm Front data

For the last decade, the Warm Front Scheme was Government's key scheme to tackle fuel poverty. It closed in 2012/13. It provided grants to vulnerable consumers for heating and insultation...