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124 results found

Automatic Cycle Counters

Automatic cycle counters, installed at over forty sites in the city, record the number of bikes that pass over the counter loops. Inductive loops (metal detectors) in the cycleway (or highway)...

Cycle Counters Locations

Location of automatic traffic counters (ATC) for bicycles in York. For data regarding the...

Traffic Counters

Location of traffic counters in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be...

Police Front Counter Access Times

The Mayor's Office for Police and Crime is consulting on a new estate strategy. One of the proposals is to close 65 front counters, where the public can access the police in person. This page...

SLDC Counter Fraud Work

South Lakeland District Council counter fraud work.

Counter fraud work statistics

Information about the council's counter fraud work.

Counter fraud work statistics

Information about the council's counter fraud work.

Stumpd counters - Central Park

Footfall counters installed in Central Park. Operational during October 2018, snapshot only.

BDC Counter-Fraud Work

This dataset contains details of the Council's counter-fraud work, including the number of investigations carried and the amount spent. It will be updated on an annual basis.

Cambridgeshire County Council Counter Fraud

Local Government Transparency Code data about counter fraud work

Automatic Traffic Counters Data

This dataset contains count data aggregated by hour for each of the automatic traffic counters (ATC) upgraded as part of City of York Council's STEP project. Please note that this dataset gets...

Counter Fraud

Information about Counter Fraud work at Lincolnshire County Council, including use of powers, employees and fraud cases. This information is published as part of the Local Government Transparency...

Cycle Lane Counter

A dataset to show the cycle counts from 3 recorders located in Calderdale. **Please Notes** ---------------- * Sdate - indicates the date and time the count was taken. * Cosit - site ID...

Camden Cycle Counters Phase 2

Cycling in Camden is becoming ever more popular with the introduction of safe, convenient and protected routes. There are several cycle counters in Camden which provide counts of cyclists along...

Salford City Council Counter Fraud Work

This dataset provides information on Salford City Council's counter fraud work. Details are provided to meet the required standards of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014.

Camden Cycle Counters Phase 2 Map

Cycling in Camden is becoming ever more popular with the introduction of safe, convenient and protected routes. There are several cycle counters in Camden which provide counts of cyclists along...

Cambridgeshire Hourly Automatic Traffic Counter data Jan-June 2019

This dataset is 6 months of hourly data from the Automatic Traffic Counters across Cambridgeshire from January to June 2019. The data combines vehicles/cycles going in both directions unless...

Cambridgeshire Daily Automatic Cycle Counter Count: June 2018

This dataset summarises headline daily count data for the Automatic Cycle Counters across Cambridgeshire in June 2018.  It offers headline the total number of counts for each day across the...

NI Cycle Counters - Raw data 2011-2016

The attached data is the information held by the Department for Infrastructure, for cycling counters from 2011 to 2016. In 2016 the equipment was removed due to its age and unreliability.

Stumpd counters 2019 Devonport and The Hoe

Footfall counters - Devonport park, Autumn 2019. The Hoe, Christmas 2019 This is an evolving dataset being progressed by the Future Parks Accelerator programme:...