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125 results found

Marine Environment Monitoring and Assessment National database (MERMAN)

Holds UK data collected to fulfil the mandatory monitoring requirements under the Oslo and Paris Convention (OSPAR) Joint Assessments and Monitoring Programme (JAMP).  Also used in support of EU...

Weapons Information Exchange System

To fulfil EC Directive 91/47/EEC, to let EU countries know firearms, ammunition and component parts of weapons are being imported/exported to/from their country and to let the UK HMRC know that...

Opiate and crack-cocaine users

This research report uses available data to estimate the number of new users of opiates and, or crack-cocaine (OCUs) between 2005 and 2013. This paper estimates that around 5,000 to 8,000...

Race and the Criminal Justice System

This publication fulfils a statutory obligation for the Secretary of State to publish, annually, information relating to the criminal justice system with reference to avoiding discrimination on the...

Wastewater Treatment in England

This dataset contains data reported by water companies in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (England and Wales) Regulations 1994. The regulations implement the European Union Urban...

Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Longitudinal Survey (2002/03 to 2012/13)

Longitudinal Destinations data provides a rich insight into the employment and study patterns of leavers three and a half years into their careers. The publication includes data about leavers'...

Agriculture in the United Kingdom

This annual publication provides an overview of agriculture in the UK, fulfilling the requirement that Ministers publish an annual report on matters relating to price support for agricultural...

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2015

The 2015 Employer Skills Survey (ESS15) is the third in the series of UK-wide skills surveys run by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). The survey gives us a unique insight...

Sensitive Areas - Bathing Waters

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA250. This dataset is a shapefile showing the extent of UWWTD sensitive areas (bathing waters). The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive...

Teaching Line Candidate Database

The Teaching Line database is used to provide personalised information and support to those interested in a career in teaching, to convert interest into application in line with NCTL key...

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2013

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind in the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2011 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2013 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

Forest condition survey (1987-2006)

The Forest Condition Survey has been carried out since 1984 and, in addition to providing comprehensive information on tree health in Britain, it contributes to an EU programme monitoring the...

Public Open Space

Urban space designated by a Council where public access may, or may not, be formally established, but which fulfils a recreational, or non-recreational role (eg. amenity, ecological,...

Ipswich Borough Council - Local Wildlife Sites

Sites which do not fulfil the criteria for SSSI or CWS status but have a high conservation value. These sites comprise the best examples of different habitats or are important for a particular...

Parking Report

The local government transparency code requires local authorities to publish information on annual parking income and expenditure, and how the surplus is re-invested, as well as the number of...

London’s post-16 trajectories

As London recovers from the effects of COVID-19, it is vital that we understand the educational pathways for young people and do all we can to support them in their journey. We know that the...

2015 Annual School Places Planning Report Primary- Secondary

Every year, the authority reviews its school places planning projections. This report highlights the 2015 current capacity and pressures within the borough, projected future demand and any likely...

London Borough of Camden Annual Employment Profile & Analysis 2014/15

The Camden Annual Employment Profile provides an analysis of the size and makeup of the workforce and other aspects of recruitment and employment in relation to age, disability, ethnic origin and...