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Summary of Claims for the First Half of 2015

This is a Housing Benefit dataset for all new claims and change of circumstances received by the London Borough of Barnet in the first half of 2015.

A database of radionuclide biological half-life values for wildlife

Data comprise biological and ecological half-life values for marine, freshwater, terrestrial and riparian organisms. The database includes 1908 biological half-life values for 52 elements across a...

Energy consumption for selected Bristol buildings from smart meters by half hour

Energy consumption, Gas and Electricity, for selected Bristol buildings from smart meters by half hour.

Radionuclide biological half-lives for farm animals

[This dataset is embargoed until September 6, 2021]. Data comprise a compilation of quality-controlled biological half-life values (and associated information) from a literature review for animals...

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Head Office Building Half Hourly Electricity Data

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs Head Office Building (Nobel House) Half Hourly Electricity Data. Data shows electricity consumption in kWh.

% of half days missed by pupils due to overall absence (including authorised and unauthorised absence)

% of half days missed by pupils due to overall absence (including authorised and unauthorised absence) *This indicator has been discontinued

Department for Education Gas and Electricity half hourly data

Department for Education real time energy consumption from 28th July 2010.

Distribution of ash trees within areas less than half a hectare in Great Britain

The dataset consists of a distribution map of ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior) within woodland areas of less than half a hectare across Great Britain. The data is derived from Countryside Survey...

Average Time to Relet Homes

This figure is measured in days These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end We have currently suspended recording this information for sheltered accomodation due to...

Average Time to Relet Homes

This figure is measured in days These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end We have currently suspended recording this information for sheltered accomodation due to...

Time Use

Provides a measure the amount of time spent by the UK population on various activities. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Opticians opening times

This report informs on opening times for Optical practices. The report contains normal opening times and additional opening times for bank holidays and other special days when the normal opening...

Pharmacy opening times

Pharmacy opening times report. Opening times indicate when the branch is open for NHS contracted services. Additional opening date, where this exists, refers to bank holidays or other dates where...

Tide times

Details of forthcoming high and low tide times for Weston-super-Mare

Hospital Waiting Times

Summary of waiting times and waiting lists in the acute sector of NHS Scotland. Information will be included regarding future waiting time targets. Data released quarterly. Prior to May 2011 this...

GP Opening Times

This report contains reception, surgery and additional opening times where available for GP branches. Reception opening times indicate when the branch is open for non-clinical services, such as...

Cancer Waiting Times

Annual Cancer Waiting Times statistics for urgently-referred patients by tumour site and NHS board, for Acute Leukaemia and Paediatric cancers. To remain relevant to the changing set of targets,...

Diagnostic Waiting Times

Details information on the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting, for diagnostic services, as well as diagnostic reporting turnaround times at Health and Social Care (HSC) Trusts...

Trade Union Time

In line with the transparency code: Total number (absolute number and full time equivalent) of staff who are union representatives (including general, learning and health and safety...

Hospital Waiting Times

Provider based hospital waiting times for 1st outpatient appointments Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of Health Geographies: National, Primary Care Trust (PCT),...