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804 results found

Chalara Fraxinea Survey England 10K Grid 2013-2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Chalara Fraxinea. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the disease was found...

Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp Survey England 10K Grid 2013-2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the pest was...

Sweet Chestnut Blight Survey England 10K Grid 2013 & 2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Sweet Chestnut Blight. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the disease was...

Oak Processionary Moth Survey England 10K Grid 2014-2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Oak Processionary Moth. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the pest was...

Survey 10K Grid Parent

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for xxxx. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the (pest/disease) was found and...

Building Materials and Components statistics

Provides information on selected building materials and contains monthly data on price indices, bricks, cement and concrete blocks; and quarterly data on sand and gravel, slate, concrete roofing...

Canker Stain of Pine Survey England 10K Grid 2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Canker Stain of Pine. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the disease was...

Bacterial Leaf Scorch Survey England 10K Grid 2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Bacterial Leaf Scorch. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the disease was...

Massaria Disease of Plane Survey England 10K Grid 2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Massaria Disease of Plane. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the disease...

2007 - 2007 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Reducing discards: Square-mesh codends in combination with square-mesh release panels 2007/08 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The main objective of this FSP project was to demonstrate that square-mesh codends in combination with multiple square-mesh panels can effectively reduce discards in he SW beam trawl fisheries

Chalara Fraxinea Confirmed Infection Areas GB 10K Grid

Ordnance Survey 10km square grid of Great Britain showing the year that Chalara fraxinea infections were first confirmed in the wider environment in that grid square. Year - Year that an...

2015 - Ongoing North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NWIFCA) Crab Tile Surveys

In 2015 the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation began to carry out surveys of crab tiling activities in its district. Crab tiles are small structures that are placed on the foreshore...

2015 - Ongoing North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NWIFCA) Crab Tile Surveys

In 2015 the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation began to carry out surveys of crab tiling activities in its district. Crab tiles are small structures that are placed on the foreshore...

2015 - Ongoing North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NWIFCA) Crab Tile Surveys

In 2015 the North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation began to carry out surveys of crab tiling activities in its district. Crab tiles are small structures that are placed on the foreshore...

Structure Point

Feature which has a point geometry and represents a freestanding manmade construction that is not a building and is less than 4m square but is considered to be of sufficient interest to be...

OS OpenMap Local

Map, visualise, and truly understand your data at street level. The most detailed street-level open data vector mapping product available, OS Open Map – Local is a great backdrop over which to...

Phytophthora Ramorum Confirmed Infection Areas England 10K Grid

Phytopthora ramorum confirmed infections. OS 10km grid squares containing one or more Phytopthora Ramorum Statutory Plant Heath Notices issued to Landowners in England. Year - First year that a...

Phytophthora Lateralis Confirmed Infection Sites GB 10K Grid

Sites confirmed of having Phytothphora Lateralis present. Phytophthora lateralis is a pathogen which generally attacks and kills the roots of its host trees, although aerial infections of branches...

LIDAR Time Stamped Point Cloud

The LIDAR point cloud is an archive of hundreds of millions, or sometimes billions of highly accurate 3-dimensional x,y,z points and component attributes produced by the Environment Agency. The...

HES LiDAR Scottish Ten Project 2010: Data acquired from Fugro (non commercial government licence)

This LiDAR data was captured by Fugro for Historic Environment Scotland (HES) as part of the Scottish Ten Project - a project to survey in 3D, 5 of Scotland’s World Heritage Sites (WHS) and 5...