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Animal feed statistics Northern Ireland

Information on the quantities of animal feed used in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Animals Scientific Procedures System database

Database for recording details of licenses granted under the Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986

Performance Dashboard Animal transporter authorisations

This dashboard shows information about how the Animal transporter authorisations service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of digital transactions, total...

Spend over £25,000 in Animal Health

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Animal Health, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure. Animal Health has now...

Animal habitats

Information on Bat roosts, Badger setts and Great Crested Newt ponds within Rutland

Animal Licences

Our Environmental Health department is responsible for animal licensing. A licence is required when keeping a Pet Shop, Zoo or Animal Boarding Establishment. This dataset lists the local...

Trade Control & Expert System – Food of Non-Animal Origin

High-risk food of non-animal origin imported into the United Kingdom via approved designated ports.

Consumer protection study 2022

This study aimed to understand consumers’ experiences with purchasing items and services, the type and impact of problems they faced in doing so, and how they managed to resolve these...

Segmentation study anonymised data

Segmentation study final dataset (anonymised). The variables included attitudes to climate change and transport, information on transport behaviour and classification information e.g. age; gender;...

The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study

The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study is an international survey of the educational achievement of the equivalent of year 5 and year 9 pupils across the world organised by the IEA. A total of...

PAP (Processed Animal Proteins)

Processed Animal Proteins (PAP) is a database containing names and addresses of premises using restricted proteins.

Live Animal Exports 2014

This dataset contains information on export applications received for Intra-union trade, exports to Third Countries and exports for National Trade (Northern Ireland) of live animals. The dataset...

Live Animal Exports 2015

This dataset contains information on export applications received for Intra-union trade, exports to Third Countries and exports for National Trade (Northern Ireland) of live animals. The dataset...

Deaths in custody study

The research used completed investigations to gather data on all 333 deaths which occurred between 1998/99 and 2008/09. The study looks at trends in the incidents, and examines a range of themes –...

Scientific Procedures on Living Animals, Great Britain

Annual statistics relating to scientific procedures performed on living animals in accordance with the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National...

Scientific Procedures on Living Animals Great Britain

Annual statistics collected relating to scientific procedures performed on living animals under the provisions of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, from licensees in accordance with...

Road Accident In Depth Studies (RAIDS)

This asset contains legacy data from the Department's OTS, CCIS and HVCIS accident studies. It contains measurements taken at the scene of accidents, damage to vehicles, injuries to persons...

Cooperative Crash Injury Study (CCIS)

Data concerning the damage to vehicles involved in "tow-away" accidents is compared with personal injury data collected from hospitals in order to understand the injury causation and therefore...

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study is an international survey of the educational achievement of the equivalent of year 5 pupils across the world organised by the IEA. A total of...

Groundwater flooding scoping study data

This is the WMS read-only data file associated with the Groundwater Scoping report part 1 & 2. Part 1:...