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DPLUS0045 Anguilla Still Image Analysis

Still image analysis of the groundtruthing data collected as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project develops local capacity to...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla Satellite Derived Bathymetry 2m

Satellite derived bathymetry data created as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project develops local capacity to undertake...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla MBES Bathymetry 2m

Multi-beam echo sounder (MBES) data collected as part of the Darwin Plus funded project " Mapping Anguilla's 'Blue Belt' Ecosystem Services". The project aimed to develop local capacity to...

Habitat point records from 1990 UMBSM Loch Etive survey

Loch Etive is a typical fjord, carved into grantie and metamorphic rocks by glaciers from the Rannoch Moor area. The steeply walled, deep upper basin is followed by a series of shallower basins and...

Species point records from 1990 UMBSM Loch Etive survey

Loch Etive is a typical fjord, carved into grantie and metamorphic rocks by glaciers from the Rannoch Moor area. The steeply walled, deep upper basin is followed by a series of shallower basins and...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla MBES Backscatter 2m

Multi-beam echo sounder (MBES) backscatter data collected as part of the Darwin Plus funded project " Mapping Anguilla's 'Blue Belt' Ecosystem Services". The project aimed to develop local...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla MBES Backscatter 2m

Multi-beam echo sounder (MBES) backscatter data collected as part of the Darwin Plus funded project " Mapping Anguilla's 'Blue Belt' Ecosystem Services". The project aimed to develop local...

Experimental logs and analysis of olivine polymorphs and MORB (Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt) composition garnetite samples recovered from high-pressure faulting experiments

Multi-anvil experiments were performed both in static and deformation geometries on olivine polymorphs and MORB (Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt) -composition garnetite. Faults were induced by uniaxial...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla Seabed Classification from MBES data

Seabed classification and habitat map based on the MBES data collected as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project develops local...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla Seabed Classification derived from Pleiades data - T1.

Simplified seabed classification and habitat map created from remote sensing data as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla Seabed Classification derived from Pleiades data - T2

Seabed classification and habitat map created from remote sensing data as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project develops local...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla Seabed Classification from MBES data

Seabed classification and habitat map based on the MBES data collected as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project develops local...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla Seabed Classification derived from Pleiades data - T2

Seabed classification and habitat map created from remote sensing data as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project develops local...

DPLUS0045 Anguilla Seabed Classification derived from Pleiades data - T1.

Simplified seabed classification and habitat map created from remote sensing data as part of the Darwin Plus funded project "Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ Ecosystem Services". The project...

Extensive vegetation and soil surveys from multiple sites in boreal forests of subarctic Canada, 2013-2014

The dataset contains a stratified survey of ecological and soil states at sites where fine scale patterns of covariation between vegetation and edaphic characteristics were recorded. Key data...

HES-MHMDS Linkage - Bridging File

The HES-MHMDS linkage will provide the ability to undertake national (within England) analysis along acute patient pathways for mental health service users, thereby enabling a much deeper...

BIRPS (BIRPS) Geophysical Survey DRUM: BIRPS Deep profile; Offshore Northern Scotland, W of Orkney (14/Aug/1985 to 21/Aug/1985)

This BIRPS deep profile study took place in August 1985 and this short line was recorded to 30 seconds twt parallel to MOIST in order to trace the Flannen Fault deeper into the upper mantle. It was...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes in Loch Torridon: substrate close to shore - Part 2

This brief report presents the analysis completed to date. Little biological data exists for the majority of the deeper water of the Loch and for this reason the initial classification has been...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes in Loch Torridon: substrate close to shore - Part 1

This brief report presents the analysis completed to date. Little biological data exists for the majority of the deeper water of the Loch and for this reason the initial classification has been...

EU Project: CO2STORE (On-land long term saline aquifer CO2-storage)

EU is required to reduce its CO2 emissions by 8% by 2008-2012, later deeper cuts are foreseen. CO2 underground storage is one of the few options that can meet these obligations. The present project...