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Active People survey interactive tool

Active People Survey (APS) is a national survey of sports participation which reports at the national, demographic and local level. The survey is an official statistic and has been running since...

NI 110 Young peoples participation in positive activities

The percentage of young people 13-19, participating in structured positive activities against the total number of young people in the 13-19 cohort. Source: TellUs3 Survey: DCSF Publisher:...

NI 110 - Young peoples participation in positive activities

The percentage of young people 13-19, participating in structured positive activities against the total number of young people in the 13-19 cohort. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one...

Local Authority Licensing of Activities involving Animals returns

The release summarises local authority activity in relation to the licensing of activities involving animals. It includes the number of licences in force per activity, as well as the average fees...

Health behaviours JSNA 2015 - survey data by district

In Lancashire there was limited information about the extent to which people engaged in health-compromising and health-enabling behaviours. To address this a project was commissioned to look at...

NATSAL (National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles) 2010 sample linkage

NATSAL (National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles) 2010 sample linkage

National Diet and Nutrition Survey (Rolling Programme)

The Food Standards Agency took lead responsibility for publication of NDNS statistics for the 1st year of the new Rolling Programme (publication date February 2010). For the 2nd year (published in...

Economic Activity/Status

Data showing the economic activity/status of residents in Plymouth.

Central Activities Zones

Designated zone by GLA defines high employment area in City

Central Activities Zone

The Central Activities zone as defined in the Council's core strategy

Library Events and Activities

Details of all of the Children's and Adult's events and activities held by each Calderdale library.

Central Activities Zone

showing boundary of area defined in London Plan as containing a cluster of vitally important activities including central government offices, headquarters and embassies, the largest...

Camden Licensing Activities

This dataset contains a list of licensing activity types; this can be joined to the other licensing datasets using the licence reference value.

Northern Ireland Hospital Statistics: Inpatient and Day Case Activity

This publication presents information on inpatient and day case admission activity at Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland. It details information on Available Beds, Occupied Beds,...

Episode Based Acute Hospital Inpatient and Day Case Activity

The purpose of this publication, on episode based acute hospital inpatient and day case activity, is to complement data contained in the Northern Ireland Hospital Statistics: Inpatient and Day Case...

FCO Official Development Assistance (ODA) Frontline Diplomatic Activity

File gives details of FCO Overseas Development Assistance Aid Related Frontline Diplomacy spending from April 2011

Marine Pressures-Activities Database (PAD) v1.5

Coastal and marine ecosystems are subject to a number of human-induced pressures associated with a variety of marine activities. As such it is important to understand the links between human...

Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, England

This statistical report presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources. The topics covered include: - Overweight and obesity...

NHS Dental Statistics for England: Dental Activity

NHS dental statistics for England, Units of Dental Activity (UDA) by Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Adult Social Care Activity and Finance Report

This report takes data from the Adult Social Care Finance Return (ASC-FR), Short and Long Term (SALT) collection and Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA) return to provide information regarding adult...