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192 results found

North Yorkshire County Public Rights of Way

Public Rights of Way for the county of North Yorkshire administered by North Yorkshire County Council (including North York Moors and Yorkshire Dales National Parks areas) showing footpaths,...

Camden Strategy On Provision Of Public Library Services 2011-2014

​Camden council decided to launch a consultation to allow the community to have an input in the decision making process around libraries and to help shape this strategy. The consultation...

LVMF protected vistas - GIS files

London View management Framework protected vistas. Zipped file containing the GIS files (Mapinfo and ESRI shape) for the viewing corridors and background assessment areas from Map 7.3 of the London...

Children's Centre Boundary Areas

These files contain the shape, extent, location (X and Y Co-ordinates) and postcodes of the boundary areas. The PDF map shows the defined reach areas for each Children centre labelled with the name...

Ashfield Brownfield Land Register

Ashfield Brownfield Land register, a files showing the available brown field sites within the urban district of Ashfield that conform to the Brownfield Register Regulations 2017. Theses sites, and...

Construction Notifications. Form 10 (F10) Database

The F10 Database contains details of planned construction projects, provided to HSE by Construction Design Management co-ordinators on those projects. The types of projects that must notify HSE...

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2015

The 2015 Employer Skills Survey (ESS15) is the third in the series of UK-wide skills surveys run by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). The survey gives us a unique insight...

Historic Landfill Sites - Quarterly Summary

This data is a national historic landfill dataset that defines the location of and provides specific attributes for known historic landfill sites. An historic landfill is a site where there is no...

Polling Districts

Polling districts in Calderdale. These files contain the shape, extent and location of polling districts, and polling district code. Below are maps of each ward with the polling district names and...

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2013

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind in the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2011 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

UKCES Employer Skills Survey 2011 [comparable with UKCESS 2013 main report]

The UK Commission’s Employer Skills Survey (UKCESS) is the largest of its kind on the world. It gives a comprehensive and robust picture of skills needs and training investment in UK business....

WFD River Water Body Catchments Cycle 2 Classification 2019

WFD River Water Body Catchments Cycle 2 Classification 2019 is an alternate version of ‘WFD River Waterbody Catchments Cycle 2’ with the addition of 2019 classification data and additional user...

Distribution of ash trees in woody linear features in Great Britain

The dataset consists of a distribution map of ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior) within woody linear features across Great Britain. The data is derived from Countryside Survey 2007 and includes trees...

Leeds traffic orders

The following shape file datasets show the traffic orders for Lines (e.g. double yellow and parking bay restrictions) and Region (e.g. restricted parking zones for residents). Using appropriate...

Sensory Support Survey - Results

City of York Council conducted a survey so we could hear from people who use sensory support services, and those who might need to in the future (and their families and carers). We hoped this would...

Historic Landfill Sites

This data is a national historic landfill dataset that defines the location of and provides specific attributes for known historic landfill sites. An historic landfill is a site where there is no...

Treemap Representation of UK Statistical Geographies (September 2017)

(File Size - 608 KB)  The 'Treemap Representation of Statistical Geographies'  in the UK as at September 2017 shows the hierarchical representation of the different statistical geographies that ONS...

Impact indicator: neighbourhood plans

Number of areas designated by the relevant local authority for Neighbourhood Plans #### How the figure is calculated: The figure is a count of communities that have applied and been designated...

St Anthony's Finds Record

The project aimed to provide a record of the finds recovered from the designated wreck site the St. Anthony. Described as a "fine ship" belonging to King John III of Portugal, the St. Anthony was...