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Destinations of Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 pupils

Education destination measures will show the percentage of students progressing to further learning in a school, further education or 6th form college, apprenticeship or higher education...

Allocations and Recruitment Portal

This system holds current academic year allocations data, which is updated by National College for Teaching and Leadership officials and ITT providers submit recruitment data including...

The Potential New Provider Tracker

A working list of all institutions which are usually schools that approach the National College for Teaching and Leadership to seek accreditation as providers of initial teacher training. It...

% of residents that think CYC/partners are doing well at reducing crime and anti social behaviour

% of residents that think CYC/partners are doing well at reducing crime and anti social behaviour *This indicator is discontinued

% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping to reduce carbon footprint

% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping to reduce carbon footprint

% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to reduce carbon footprint

% of panel who think that the council and partners are doing well helping to reduce carbon footprint

NI 085c - Post-16 participation in physical sciences (A Level Physics Chemistry and Maths) - A Level Maths

Number of entries for each A level Science by pupils that are aged 16-18 year olds in schools and colleges in England.

NI 085a - Post-16 participation in physical sciences (A Level Physics Chemistry and Maths) - A Level Physics

Number of entries for each A level Science by pupils that are aged 16-18 year olds in schools and colleges in England.

NI 085b - Post-16 participation in physical sciences (A Level Physics Chemistry and Maths) - A Level Chemistry

Number of entries for each A level Science by pupils that are aged 16-18 year olds in schools and colleges in England.

NI 085 - Post-16 participation in physical sciences (A Level Physics, Chemistry and Maths)

Number of entries for each A level Science by pupils that are aged 16-18 year olds in schools and colleges in England.

Outstanding providers list

The outstanding providers list includes early years registered providers, maintained schools, independent schools, colleges and providers of work-based learning, adult education and children’s...

BRNC - Accreditation office

Britannia Royal Naval College - Information for presentation to the Exam Board for the awarding of the FdSc in Naval/Maritime Studies and DipHE in Marine Studies..

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods by Point of Entry 2011

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods by Point of Entry (POE) 2011. Reduced goods are those where inspections are permitted at a less than 100%...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods by Point of Entry 2014

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods by Point of Entry (POE) 2014. Reduced goods are those where inspections are permitted at a less than 100%...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods by Point of Entry 2013

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods by Point of Entry (POE) 2013. Reduced goods are those where inspections are permitted at a less than 100%...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods by Point of Entry 2012

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods by Point of Entry (POE) 2012. Reduced goods are those where inspections are permitted at a less than 100%...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods by Point of Entry 2010

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods by Point of Entry (POE) 2010. Reduced goods are those where inspections are permitted at a less than 100%...

Summary of Inspection Statistics - Reduced Plant Goods by Point of Entry 2015

This dataset provides a summary of the Import Inspection statistics for Reduced Goods by Point of Entry (POE) 2015. Reduced goods are those where inspections are permitted at a less than 100%...

Reduced-complexity aquifer model (NERC grant NE/I022434/1)

Matlab m-file code to generate a probabilistic model of aquifer-body occurrence in the subsurface of the Indo-Gangetic foreland basin, northwestern India. The accompanying ArcGIS ASCII matrix files...

% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping to reduce amount of household waste

% of panel who think that the council and partners are not doing well helping to reduce amount of household waste