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Tunnel Safeguarding Lines

showing areas that TFL consultation is required on planning applications due to tube tunnels running beneath the site.

Ryedale District Council Playing Fields

Playing Fields for Ryedale District Council Local Planning Authority Area

TWBC Open Data - Play areas

Play Areas in the Borough managed by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

Draft Playing Pitch Strategy 2017

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...

OS Open Greenspace

Find the location of public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas, allotments and more with OS Open Greenspace. A valuable dataset to stimulate creative thinking and innovation to...

Boundary Line

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

Boundary Line

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

Anonymised AIS Derived Track Lines 2015

AIS vessel transit data for 2015 processed by ABPmer on behalf of the MMO, using data supplied by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), following a methodology previously developed by ABPmer...

Anonymised AIS Derived Track Lines 2014

This dataset contains the anonymised transit line data used to create the 2014 UK shipping density grid.The MCA were currently mid-way through amodernisation programme which involvedupdating the...

Anonymised AIS Derived Track Lines 2013

This dataset contains the anonymised transit line data used to create the UK shipping density grid.

Aberdeen Play Areas (Playparks)

The council maintains various playparks throughout the city for the enjoyment of young people and families in Aberdeen.

Bassetlaw District Council Childrens Play Area

The dataset from 2012 includes land classified as Children's Play Areas within the Bassetlaw District Area. The Children's Play Areas dataset contains information such as locations, settlements,...

Policies Map Open Space and Play Provision

Policies Map July 2013 - Open space

Ipswich Borough Council - Existing Playing Field

Existing playing fields which act as stepping stones to improve connectivity between core areas enabling species to move, feed, disperse, migrate or reproduce.

Childrens Play Areas - Craven District Council

Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities assessed via CDC Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Assessment, and will therefore be protected by INF3.

Sutton Parking Dataset Lines

Dataset shows parking restrictions on adopted highways within Sutton

CWAC Local Plan Lines

Cheshire West and Chester Council Local Plan policies digitised as lines (from adopted Chester, Ellesmere Port and Neston and Vale Royal Local Plans). Available to view online at...

Rail Line Upgrading (Indicative)

Areas of land safeguarded for future raill line upgrading.

Local Plan Macclesfield Line

Line data to indicate sites within Macclesfield Borough Local Plan

Rights of Way Line Features

Rights of Way (Definitive) line features maintained by Dudley MBC. General public enquires based on this mapping should be referred to the Development Section of Economic Regeneration on 01384 815424.