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336 results found

NFNPA Article 4 directions

An Article 4 Direction is made by a Local Planning Authority. It serves to restrict Permitted Development rights usually in Conservation Areas. The aim of an Article 4 Direction is to encourage the...

Green Corridors

Green Corridors in Southampton are known as Greenways. Ribbons of open space that follow stream valleys. They form valuable breaks in the built up area and in some cases reach out into the open...

Dwelling type (2001 Census)

Type of dwelling (detached house, purpose built flat etc.) Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer...

Article 4 Directions

Extents of Article 4 areas in Malvern Hills District Council under the Town and Country Planning Act. The aim of an Article 4 Direction is to encourage the retention of high quality architectural...

FE data library: vocational qualifications

Information on qualifications designed to fit a person for employment. Vocational qualifications are qualifications designed to fit a person for employment. The National Vocational Qualifications...

Hackney Green Corridors

Continuous areas of open space leading through built environment that may or may not be linked but provide an extension of habitats. Created over OS MasterMap data. Boundaries have been created in...

WFD RBMP2 Economic analysis 2015_Scenario 2_v1.7

The impact assessment (IA) for the updated river basin management plans was built from multiple data sources and is based on many assumptions. This dataset gives Scenario 2 measures for...

Tree Preservation Orders - Argyll and Bute

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) are served by the council to protect individual and groups of trees which are considered of sufficient merit to warrant formal protection either for their...

3D models of Ediacaran organisms (NERC Grant NE/V010859/2)

3D models of Ediacaran organisms generated using NURBS modelling for use in computer simulations of fluid flow. Models built between 2021 and 2023 using the computer-aided design program Rhinoceros...

Pre-Build Address

The Pre-Build Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that will be able to receive mail, deliveries or services, where the property is either yet to be built but has been granted...

Retail and Town Centre Uses Completions 2002-2016

Town centre uses completions by district and use class in Cambridgeshire 2002-2016. Shows Retail (A1), B1a (Office), A2 (Professional and Financial Services) and D2 (Leisure). Amount of floorspace...

Accidents and Assaults Database

This is a database containing historical data of a sensitive nature i.e. Reported incidents of unacceptable customer behaviour. The Database is built on a small systems platform with access...

Dept for Communities and Local Government INSPIRE OGC WMS Service

DCLG's INSPIRE OGC WMS Service under the terms of the the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE...

Cambridgeshire Housing Completions 2002-2017

Number of dwellings completed (built) in each financial year from 2002/03 to 2016/17, data gathered and cleaned by CCC Business Intelligence (Research) team. Worksheet includes data by district,...

WFD RBMP2 Economic analysis 2015_Scenario 1_v1.0

The impact assessment (IA) for the updated river basin management plans was built from multiple data sources and is based on many assumptions. This dataset gives Scenario 1 estimates of the...

Census 2022 – Settlements

Settlements of Scotland are built-up areas which round to 500 people or more. Statistics produced from this geography can be used to help understand the demographics of local...

Coastal Physiographic Features - Estuaries

This is a shapefile of the coastal physiographic feature type 'estuaries'. The polygons in this shapefile represent the estuaries found within the UK. Where, estuary is defined as part of Annex I...

Countryside Around Towns (CAT)(Moray)

The five main towns of Elgin, Forres, Buckie, Keith and Lossiemouth are subject to the highest development pressures and Countryside Around Towns (CAT’s) have been designated to prevent development...

NI 090 - Take up of 14-19 Learning Diplomas

Number of enrolments on diplomas measured using Minerva against the 14-19 population for the relevant cohort based on ONS population estimates. Learning Diploma means a new qualification in 14...

Building Standards (UNOFFICIAL) - Scotland

This Building Standards dataset has been created to "in-fill" the missing data from Local Authorities not yet signed up to the custom built 'Cloud Connector Framework' which enables the automated...