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Accident & Emergency Care Statistics

This publication presents information on annual activity at emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. It details information on new attendances, planned & unplanned re-attendances,...

Emergency Care Waiting Times

Details information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. Emergency care waiting times by type of department is also presented to allow users to compare...

Accident and Emergency Activity

A&E activity; total time spent in A&E from arrival to admission, discharge or transfer and waiting for emergency admission through A&E. Source agency: Health Designation: Official...

Rail Commercial Emergency Manual

Emergency Manual for Rail Commercial

YFAS Emergency payments Budget (£)

YFAS Emergency payments Budget (£) *This indicator has been discontinued

Nuclear Emergency Planning Zones

Detailed Emergency Planning Zones for licensed sites in the UK

Business continuity/emergency plans

Business Continuity/Emergency Plans - CD staff contact details. Name, out of hours contact telephone numbers.

YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)

YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)

YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)

YFAS Emergency payments (£) TOTAL - (YTD)

Accident and emergency statistics

Attendances at accident & emergency departments, minor injury units and walk in centres Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of Health Geographies: Primary Care Trust...

Emergency Department Activity

• Attendances by site type and attendance category (Scotland and NHS Board of treatment). • Attendance and admission rate split by age band and gender (Scotland and NHS Board of treatment). •...

Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres

Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres maintained by the Council and the Community

Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres

Mid Ulster Council Emergency Support Centres maintained by the Council and the Community

Northern Ireland Emergency Care Waiting Time Statistics

This is the publication of the monthly statistics release on waiting times for all Emergency Care Departments across Northern Ireland Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety...

Allerdale Emergency Prohibition Order Land Charge

Emergency Prohibition Order Land Charge expressed as a polygon extent. Charges appears to be a mix of Closing Orders, Demolition Orders and Undertakings

Stroke: Emergency hospital admissions

The number of finished and unfinished continuous inpatient spells (CIPS) for patients of all ages with an emergency method of admission and with any of the following primary diagnoses 1)...

Focus on Accident & Emergency (December 2013)

This one-off publication provides a compilation of Accident and Emergency (A&E) data in England, to give a broad picture of the patient journey through A&E. Multiple sources of A&E...

Emergency Hospital Admissions for Diabetes

This indicator is one measure of the prevention, identification and management of people at risk of developing diabetes and those with the condition. It shows adverse outcomes as annual numbers of...

ID 2007 Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator

ID 2007: Health Deprivation and Disability, Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Lower...

ID 2004 Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator

ID 2004: Health Deprivation and Disability, Emergency Admissions to Hospital indicator Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies:...