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160 results found

NYMNPA Ryevitalise Project Area

This scheme is currently in its development stage, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund, the North York Moors National Park Authority and other partners. The landscape area is 41,220 hectares....

Proposed Local Development Plan Areas - Fife

Dataset provides details of The FIFEplan Local Development Plan (LDP) sets out detailed policies and proposals (land use) that guide development including site specific and detailed...

Scotland's wildness - ruggedness

One of four component layer of the Scottish wildness map. This layer seeks to capture ruggedness: 'landform which is rugged, or otherwise physically challenging' (Annex 1 SNH policy statement). The...

Materials Facility Waste Returns Data January to December 2020

Materials Facility Waste Return Data for January to December 2020. Please note Materials Facility Waste Return's Data prior to 2020 is available on the WRAP Portal here:

Elemental concentrations (Ca, Cs, K, Mg, Sr) in a range of crops and associated soils from the UK and Spain

Data comprise elemental concentrations of Ca, Cs, K, Mg, Sr, NH4-N and NPOC (Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon) measured by ICPMS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry), ICPOES (Inductively...

Viewers' experience of television reception

This document reports on research into the frequency of interference or disruption experienced by television broadcast viewers, across all platforms, as well as the types of disruption experienced...

Proposed Local Development Plan Lines

Dataset provides details (Linear features) of the FIFEplan Local Development Plan (LDP) sets out detailed policies and proposals (land use) that guide development including site specific and...

Proposed Local Development Plan Defined Policy Areas

Dataset provides details (Defined Policy Areas) of the FIFEplan Local Development Plan (LDP) sets out detailed policies and proposals (land use) that guide development including site specific and...

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan Consultation Areas

The adopted [Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan...

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan Sites

The adopted [Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan...


Houseboat and caravan dwellers form part of our local housing market. This dataset aims to bring together some information to help us see the scale of the issue in our local area. This...

Unemployment benefit claims

This data has been taken from LGInform at data reference ID 5470 The figures show the numbers of people claiming unemployment benefits aged between 25-49 and...

Maritime and Marine Historic Environment Research Framework

This project produced a resource assessment and research agenda for England's maritime and marine historic environment, which is the first, key stage in developing a full research framework. The...

NYMNPA Helmsley Local Plan Commercial Limits

The Local Plan Policies Maps identify the limits of the commercial area in the town of Helmsley, as set out in the Helmsley Local Plan under Policy BL8. The commercial areas cover the main shop and...

Maritime and Marine Historic Environment Research Framework

This project produced a resource assessment and research agenda for England's maritime and marine historic environment, which is the first, key stage in developing a full research framework. The...

Maritime and Marine Historic Environment Research Framework

This project produced a resource assessment and research agenda for England's maritime and marine historic environment, which is the first, key stage in developing a full research framework. The...

Article 4 Direction Orders

An Article Four Direction is made by a Local Planning Authority in the United Kingdom and confirmed by the Government. It serves to restrict Permitted Development rights, which means that certain...

Better Use of Data - GLA Consultation Response

The GLA strongly believes that Government needs to do more to unlock the power of data, helping organisations to make better decisions and operate more efficiently. Greater sharing of information...

Council Register of Assets - Moray

Council Register of Assets (Moray). Section 94 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (the Act) requires public authorities to make available to members of the public a register of land...

2014 - 2015 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Aligning Spurdog Zero Quota Species 2014/15 - Fisheries Science Partnership

The overall objective of this FSP project was to seek regional, national and European stakeholder involvement in the proposal for a UK pilot project to develop a real-time Spurdog By-catch...