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294 results found

Complaints about how Passenger Focus resolved a complaint appeal January 2009 - July 2014

This data concerns complaints made to Passenger Focus about the way in which Passenger Focus resolved a complaint appeal on behalf of a passenger. This data provides information about both the...

Complaint appeals January 2009 - September 2014

This data concerns complaint appeals resolved by Passenger Focus. If a passenger is unhappy with the outcome of a complaint they have made to a train company, or believe the train company...

Mobile phone masts

This dataset provides information on mobile phone masts located on Leeds City Council property, respective lease information and annual rent charges concerning them.

Conserving farmland biodiversity and ecosystem services (Contribution to European project ‘Farmland’)

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Main report (pdf) contains data as does 4 of the appendices - pdf with data in tables. The aim of this project is to examine...

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Monthly Dataset

This statistical release makes available the most recent Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) final monthly data. This series replaces the previous Quarterly IAPT Reports, last...

Leeds Clean Air Zone - Compliance Modelling 2021

Dataset concerning the Traffic and Air Quality modelling undertaken by LCC taken to support implementing the Clean Air Zone, and the subsequent review in 2020 that led to the decision to cancel the...

Locally Valued Landscape

Locally defined landscape areas that are valued for their contribution to the setting of particular features or settlements and within which new development will be required to demonstrate that it...

Business Rates Register & Empty Commercial Properties

A dataset containing all addresses liable for Business Rates. Includes a description of the property and advises of any reliefs awarded. UPRN details are not included due to licensing concerns with...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution. Priorities for species and habitat conservation are set at a country level...

Important Open Area And Recreation Use

Undeveloped open areas within or closely associated with settlements and which are defined as making a contribution to the setting of parts of the settlements concerned and which also have a...

BCKLWN Statutory Safeguarding Zones

The BCKLWN is advised, usually by issue of maps, of the safeguarded area around an aerodrome. BCKLWN then consults with the aerodrome concerned about any Planning Application within this area,...

Species point records from 1977-78 WWA Usk and Wye estuaries sublittoral survey

There is little detailed information available on the invertebrate macrofauna of the Usk and Wye Estuaries. This report describes the Distribution and abundance of the benthic invertebrate...

Habitat point records from 1977-78 WWA Usk and Wye estuaries sublittoral survey

There is little detailed information available on the invertebrate macrofauna of the Usk and Wye Estuaries. This report describes the Distribution and abundance of the benthic invertebrate...

Classifications Database (CAFE)

Database of classifications of Class 1 dangerous goods, i.e. explosives and fireworks, which identifies the hazards posed by explosive substances and articles as packaged for transport. The...

County Councillors

Cambridgeshire County Council has 69 councillors, referred to as elected members. There people represent the views and concerns of the people of Cambridgeshire, and their electoral division. The...

High Streets Spend Insights

The report below includes insights derived from Mastercard retail spend data by the High Streets Data Service. The data has been aggregated London-wide and by town centre type to provide insights...

Senior staff salaries

The data includes (in part) the following information. Column names are in brackets: service area code (see key below): used in expenditure returns to central government (Service area) full...

Important Open Area

Undeveloped open areas within or closely associated with settlements and which are defined as making an amenity contribution to the setting of the settlements concerned. Areas defined as...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2011 Web Feature Service (WFS)

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...

Fishing Activity for UK Vessels 15m and over 2011 Web mapping Service (WMS)

This data set provides summaries of fishing activity for UK commercial fishing vessels of 15m and over in length that are deemed to have been fishing within a specified calendar year. These...