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218 results found

Habitat point records from 1989 MNCR Loch Sunart survey

This survey was undertaken to describe the range of habitats and associated communities of species in sublittoral areas of Loch Sunart and Loch Teacuis. Loch Sunart lies between the Ardnamurchan...

Get Active Grant Fund

The Council announced in June 2016 a £10,000 funding boost that will encourage people in Colchester to get more active and take part in local physical activities. Not for profit clubs, groups and...

Get Active Grant Fund

The Council announced in June 2016 a £10,000 funding boost that will encourage people in Colchester to get more active and take part in local physical activities. Not for profit clubs, groups and...

Central Index of Dose Information

Central Index of Dose Information holds the following information; Approximately 283,032 individual records (as of 22/08/2013), which include personal details and annual summaries of ionising...

Open Mosaic Habitat (Draft)

Verified sites of Open Mosaic Habitat. Open mosaic habitats can be extremely diverse, including such wide ranging sites as railway sidings, quarries, former industrial works, slag heap, bings and...

Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) - Flood Storage Areas

The Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) includes several layers of information. This dataset covers Flood Storage Areas. It shows those areas that act as a balancing reservoir, storage basin...

UK Airline Financial Tables

Annual Profit and Loss, Airline Appropriation & Balance Sheet statistics are collected from all major UK Airlines (those whose total fleet exceeds 200 Tonnes maximum take off weight...

Waste Carriers, Brokers and Dealers

This dataset contains details of currently permitted waste carriers, brokers and dealers. Carrier: A person who transports controlled waste in the course of a business or otherwise with a...

Habitat point records from 1994 Ambios Lyme Bay sublittoral sediment survey

Grab sampling of the subtidal benthic invertebrates was attempted at 50 sites in Lyme Bay, Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour in May 1994. At several sites the substrate was unsuitable for grab...

Elevation - Rockall and Helen's Reef - high resolution multibeam echosounder bathymetry

High resolution bathymetry data of Rockall and Helen's Reef collected 2011-2012 as part of the ROAME Offshore Fisheries and Conservation (OFFCON) project. Rockall, a tiny island just 19 metres...

Seasonal agricultural calendars presenting activities per month for farmers in Malawi, April-May 2019

The dataset provides transcripts from focus groups in Salima, Mangochi and Zomba (Malawi). The focus groups' discussions focused on important monthly agricultural activities in association with the...

Annual Fraud Indicator

The Annual Fraud Indicator (AFI) is a compendium of fraud loss indicators which strives to provide a best estimate of the scale of the problem and raise awareness. In line with Fighting Fraud...

Species point records from 1994 Ambios Lyme Bay sublittoral sediment survey

Grab sampling of the subtidal benthic invertebrates was attempted at 50 sites in Lyme Bay, Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour in May 1994. At several sites the substrate was unsuitable for grab...

Village Greens circa 1994

Village Greens, named sites and registration details collated by then Office for the Deputy Prime Minister (2004/5) now The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Please note, this...

Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research and Development

This release provides estimates of R&D performed and funded by the following four sectors of the economy, as defined in the Frascati manual: Business Enterprise (BERD), Higher Education (HERD),...

Species point records from 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey

The survey was carried out as an extension intensive surveys of the River Yare earlier in 1987. Also, public concern over the inadequacy of sewage disposal facilities in the Yarmouth area. At...

Habitat point records from 1987 AWA Breydon Water littoral survey

The survey was carried out as an extension intensive surveys of the River Yare earlier in 1987. Also, public concern over the inadequacy of sewage disposal facilities in the Yarmouth area. At...

Species point records from 1982 OPRU Skomer littoral survey

This report describes the major littoral habitats and selected special sites together with their communities around Skomer Island and the adjacent Marloes peninsula. The information is provided in...

Habitat point records from 1982 OPRU Skomer littoral survey

This report describes the major littoral habitats and selected special sites together with their communities around Skomer Island and the adjacent Marloes peninsula. The information is provided in...

Automated external defibrillators

A dataset providing the locations of all automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in council buildings where there is a high footfall of staff or members of the public. Further...