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Raw Soil Pit Site Information

Soil Pits represent the most detailed descriptions made of a soil profile. They are used for classification of the soil series. SOILPIT SITE RAW contains the complete data collected for each site...

Modern Correlatives for Old Soil Series

This product lists the modern correlative for (dead) soil series that are no longer separated in the current classification

Hydrological Rock class by Soil Association

Dominant hydrological rock class associated with each soil association in the national map plus a break down of the proportion of the soil association within each of the classes

Raw Soil Pit Profile Information

Soil Pits represent the most detailed descriptions made of a soil profile. They are used for classification of the soil series. SOILPIT PROFILE RAW contains the complete data collected for each...

Classified Soil Pit Profile Information

Soil Pits represent the most detailed descriptions made of a soil profile. They are used for classification of the soil series. For generating standard property information on a series base it was...

GSNI Tellus Rural Soil Survey

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) completed a regional geochemical survey of Northern Ireland's soils between 2004 and 2006. Sampling and...

Soil Maps of Scotland (partial cover)

This is the digital dataset which was created by digitising the Soils of Scotland 1:25,000 Soil maps and the Soils of Scotland 1:25,000 Dyeline Masters. The Soils of Scotland 1:25,000 Soil maps...

Soil survey of Moor House, 1965

This dataset contains data from a soil survey at Moor House, Cumbria, UK undertaken by Mike Hornung in 1965 as part of his PhD. It contains information about the soil horizons, chemical analyses...

Soil chemistry Scotland (version 3)

This dataset has now been superseded, please see the Estimated Ambient Background Soil Chemistry Scotland dataset. The BGS digital soil chemistry data indicates the estimated geometric mean...

Regional climate values for the Mean Temperature

Regional climate values for an element, ordered by year -Minimum Tempature. Allowances have been made for topographic, coastal and urban effects where relationships are found to exist. Seasons:...

Regional climate values for Maximum Temperature

Regional climate values for an element, ordered by year -Max Temp. Allowances have been made for topographic, coastal and urban effects where relationships are found to exist. Seasons:...

Regional climate values for Minimum Temperature

Regional climate values for an element, ordered by year -Minimum Tempature. Allowances have been made for topographic, coastal and urban effects where relationships are found to exist. Seasons:...

Windermere monthly temperatures 1946-2012

This dataset consists of monthly mean inshore surface water temperature (degrees C) data from Windermere, a lake in northern England. Data collection began in 1933, but data are presented here from...

SCAPE Analytical Concentration/Temperature Model

Grant: SCAPE (UKCCSRC Call 2). This is a Matlab code that calculates the change in internal concentration of CO2 in a building as a cloud of CO2 engulfs the building. The CO2 is assumed to enter...

Simulated soil moisture data at different soil depths from lysimeter experiments in Ningbo, China [2017]

This data pertains to simulations carried for 90 days for a 100 cm deep lysimeter planted with rice plant in Ningbo, China. The diameter of the lysimeter was 80 cm. The boundary conditions for the...

Soil protozoa data from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

This set of data describes protozoa abundance and diversity in samples taken at the Sourhope experimental site in 1999 and 2000 by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the University of...

Hourly water temperature of 16 experimental mesocosms and hourly air temperature from April to November 2023

This dataset contains hourly water temperature data and hourly air temperature data of an experimental mesocosm facility from 21st April to 7th November 2023. The sixteen mesocosms (1 m deep, 2 m...

EWCO - Keeping Rivers Cool Riparian Buffers

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation where this will provide dappled shade to improve aquatic ecology by reducing summer water temperatures and benefiting...

Soil bacterial cell counts and moisture content from a water stress experiment [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

These data comprise culturable cell counts in different media from soil microbial analysis within a microcosm experiment investigating moisture perturbations on microbes, set up at the Centre for...

Seawater temperature records for the UK Shelf - 13 - Cefas Multibeam Acoustics - Sound Velocity Profile Temperature Data

This dataset has been extracted as part of an exercise to assemble "all" Cefas Temperature Data and publish it in a Data paper. It is one of 17 Cefas data sources assembled. The RV Cefas...