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299 results found

VANAHEIM: in-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft

In-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft for Volcanic and Atmospheric Near- to far-field Analysis of plumes Helping Interpretation and Modelling (VANAHEIM).

VANAHEIM: in-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft

In-situ airborne observations by the FAAM BAE-146 aircraft for Volcanic and Atmospheric Near- to far-field Analysis of plumes Helping Interpretation and Modelling (VANAHEIM).

Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS): real-time numerical weather prediction model output at 4.5 and 6km resolution for the Antarctic

The Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) is an experimental, real-time numerical weather prediction capability that provides support for the United States Antarctic Program, Antarctic...

Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS): real-time numerical weather prediction model output at 4.5 and 6km resolution for the Antarctic

The Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) is an experimental, real-time numerical weather prediction capability that provides support for the United States Antarctic Program, Antarctic...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a short rotation coppice plantation, Lincolnshire, UK, 2014-2017

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at a...

QUACC: UK Chemistry and Aerosols (UKCA) Model Outputs

QUAAC was led by Prof John Pyle (University of Cambridge), with 11 co-investigators at the Universities of Sheffield, Leeds, York, Lancaster and Manchester, and from CEH. The dataset collection...

QUACC: UK Chemistry and Aerosols (UKCA) Model Outputs

QUAAC was led by Prof John Pyle (University of Cambridge), with 11 co-investigators at the Universities of Sheffield, Leeds, York, Lancaster and Manchester, and from CEH. The dataset collection...

Polluted Troposphere TORCH1: Tropospheric ORganic CHemistry Experiment (TORCH1) Ground-based Atmospheric Components Measurements Collection at Writtle College as part of the Polluted Troposphere Programme

The Polluted Troposphere Programme was a 5-year NERC thematic research programme which was centred upon the study of polluted boundary layer air and its transport to the free troposphere. The...

Polluted Troposphere TORCH1: Tropospheric ORganic CHemistry Experiment (TORCH1) Ground-based Atmospheric Components Measurements Collection at Writtle College as part of the Polluted Troposphere Programme

The Polluted Troposphere Programme was a 5-year NERC thematic research programme which was centred upon the study of polluted boundary layer air and its transport to the free troposphere. The...

Monthly atmospheric ammonia, acid gas, inorganic aerosols and base cation concentrations from Northern Ireland DELTA gas and aerosol monitoring network, 2019-2020

This dataset is from the Northern Ireland (NI) DELTA® Gas and Aerosol Monitoring Network, and consists of monthly atmospheric concentrations of inorganic, water-soluble, reactive gases and aerosols...

CASI Multispectral Imagery

Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager is a multispectral pushbroom system that acquires data in visible and near infrared (VNIR) light. Unlike camera systems that generally acquire data in three...

High resolution European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Model for the UK (EMEP4UK) annual vegetation specific atmospheric deposition of oxidised sulphur, oxidised nitrogen, and reduced nitrogen for 2018

This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a winter wheat field, Lincolnshire, UK, 2012

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured at a...

A time series of wind speed & direction, air temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure measured during seasonal campaigns at six tributaries of Hampshire River Avon from 2013 to 2014

The dataset contain meteorological time series encompassing wind dynamics, and air temperature and relative humidity that were collected in the proximity of the streambed of selected riverine sites...

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2010

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2010 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for London. The is the final confirmed version of the LEGGI 2010. LEGGI shows...

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2011

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory (LEGGI) 2011 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption for London. The is the final confirmed version of the LEGGI 2011. LEGGI shows...

Source Attribution - deposition of nitrogen and sulphur to UK

This dataset contains 90 source footprints of nitrogen and sulphur deposition across the UK. Emission data from UK sources of nitrogen and sulphur for the year 2012 has been modelled using the...

Turbulent fluxes of sensible heat and momentum at an ancient deciduous broadleaved forest in southern England

The dataset contains time series observations of turbulent surface-atmosphere exchanges of sensible heat (H) and momentum (τ) measured at an area of ancient broadleaved deciduous forest in...

Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy and water fluxes at a conservation managed fen, Wicken Sedge Fen, Cambridgeshire, UK, 2009 to 2010

This dataset contains time series observations of land surface-atmosphere exchanges of net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE), sensible heat (H) and latent heat (LE), and momentum (τ) measured...

Greater Manchester Emissions Inventory Updates

This report describes the update of the atmospheric emissions inventory for Greater Manchester, EMIGMA. © Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 0100022610. Use of this data is...