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294 results found

London Office of Data Analytics

The GLA and Nesta are working together to run a pilot to demonstrate that performing data analytics on datasets sourced from multiple local authorities and public sector bodies can help reform...

Offender Learning and Skills Service Performance Data

Offender Learning and Skills Service Performance Data: volumes by profile / actuals and success rates.

Assets of Community Value

This dataset contains a list of all applications, both successful and unsuccessful, for registration of assets of community value under the Community Right to Bid. The Community Right to Bid...

Provider Minimum Level of Performance reports

Provider Minimum Level of Performance reports: Offer data to support current and past success rates.

UK Biodiversity Indicator A2, Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in conservation

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator A2, Taking action for nature: volunteer time spent in conservation. The amount of time people spend volunteering to assist in...

European Social Fund Project summary performance report

European Social Fund Project summary performance report, volumes, profiles against actuals / success rates.

LBB Performance Reporting 2018/19

The quarterly performance of the measures of success outlined in the council's Corporate Plan. Further information can be found at the following links: Corporate Plan and performance Reporting...

UK Ramsar adverse factors

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

Qualifications and Unit Funding Trials (inc Qualification and Credit Framework/Learning Aim Reference Application)

Qualifications and Unit Funding Trials (inc Qualification and Credit Framework/Learning Aim Reference Application), who has taken part and whether it was successful.

2010 Defra MB0106 Round 2 Wind Farms

Round 2 wind farm lease areas. Locations of all successful wind farm sites from the round 1 tender that have completed lease documentation

Leeds City Council property lets

This data is Leeds City Council's social housing property lets through its Choice Based Lettings scheme. Column descriptions ------------------- * **CBL ID:** Choice based lettings ID * **AP...

Reinstatement of provision applications

Reinstatement of provision applications where provision has previously been removed due to poor success rates; Yorkshire & Humberside College / Local Authority Reinstatement of provision...

Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) has been published annually since 2010-11, and draws on data from a number of collections. The ASCOF Handbook of Definitions, published by the...

Transferable Skills: Understanding effective delivery through adult skills provision

Ask Research were commissioned to undertake research on the delivery of transferable skills through GLA adult skills funding in London.    This research aims to improve the GLA's understanding on...

Verify Performance Statistics

This data set replaces the previous Verify Performance Dashboard on Gov.UK. The data contains the overall statistics covering Number of Verifications, Verification Success Rates and Number of...

Impact indicator: growth in business rates yield

Business rates yield growth within Enterprise Zones #### How the figure is calculated: The figure is calculated as the value of business rates relief plus the value of business rate yield minus...


This data has been taken from LG Inform at data reference ID: 49. It pulls together a range of measures including employment, housing affordability and availability...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution. Priorities for species and habitat conservation are set at a country level...

Innovation Stage 2 Application Templates

The Innovate (19k-50k) grant application is a 2-stage process. Applicants that are successful at stage 1 are invited to complete stage 2 documentation, including a detailed project plan, and a...

2012-2013 University of Southampton Poole Harbour Crassostrea gigas transect and settlement panel records

The work carried out so far highlights Poole Harbour as being an anomaly in the apparent steady progressive development of Pacific oyster populations around the coast, in that there is an obvious...