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Estimated Effect of the Budget on Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index

The purpose of this article is to give the estimated effects on the Consumer Prices Index and Retail Prices Index resulting from duty and taxation changes announced in the Budget. This article...

ONS VML Consumer Price Index Price Quote (CPI/RPI)

Microdata underlying CPI/RPI.

Peterborough - Price for older person's placements

Dataset detailing the price for a basic spot contract bed paid to the independent sector provider for older person's placements in Peterborough between 2008 and 2014.

Peterborough - Price for older person's placements

Dataset detailing the price for a basic spot contract bed paid to the independent sector provider for older person's placements in Peterborough between 2008 and 2014.

Stamp Duty Model

Sampled Base year MSD data and SAS code to project this data forward using HMT assumptions on property prices and transaction volumes growth

Stamp Duty Model

Sampled Base year MSD data and SAS code to project this data forward using HMT assumptions on property prices and transaction volumes growth

Modernisation of Stamp Duty (administrative system)

Information on properties sold with value over £40,000 e.g. price, tax liability, type of property, geography of property with information on the purchaser, vendor and solicitor involved

Modernisation of Stamp Duty (administrative system)

Information on properties sold with value over £40,000 e.g. price, tax liability, type of property, geography of property with information on the purchaser, vendor and solicitor involved

Forestry Statistics

Detailed statistics on woodland area, planting, timber, trade, environment, recreation, employment, finance and prices for the UK. Source agency: Forestry Commission Designation: National...

Dead Weight Pricing Reporting

Dead Weight Pricing Reporting Inspections undertaken

Pricing Trends for communications services

This report looks at pricing trends for residential phone, broadband and TV services in the UK. It examines the prices of standalone and bundled services and what consumers spend on them. It...

Corporate Services Price Index

Corporate Services Price Index (CSPI) has been discontinued. Data is now available as the Services Producer Price Index (SPPI), a quarterly survey of prices charged for a range of services provided...

Regional Consumer Price Levels

Gives ONS' estimates of the relative differences in consumer prices between regions. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices

Harmonised Index of Consumer prices Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: HICP

Dwelling prices by dwelling type

Dwelling transactions: the total number of changes of ownership of dwellings in a calendar year, with statistics on the prices paid. Source: Land Registry Publisher: Neighbourhood...

Services Producer Price Indices

The Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) are primarily a suite of individual price indices that provide information on price change for a limited range of service industries. Each SPPI captures...

House Price Index Guidance

Trends in the UK housing market is an article bringing together various published sources of UK housing market statistics. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official...

Services Producer Price Index

The Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) are primarily a suite of individual price indices that provide information on price change for a limited range of service industries. Each SPPI captures...

NI House Price Index

A quarterly index providing a measure of change in the price of a standardised residential property sold in NI. The index is presented for each quarter from Q1 (January-March) 2005.

Cambridgeshire Adult Learning Fund (CALF) 2010 - 2014 Breakdown of Course Categories

The total number of registered learners enrolled with Cambridgeshire Adult Learning Fund, broken down by course category between the academic years of 2010/2011 to 2014/2015.