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OS Mastermap Highways Network - Roads

OS MasterMap® Highways Network is the most complete, detailed and accurate navigable road network dataset for Great Britain. It records the dimensions and accessibility of roads. For all highways...

MMO1073 Planned Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Projects

This dataset details the planned beneficial use of dredged material projects in the South marine plan area. These records have been gathered from the MMO 1073 Stakeholder Survey. For up to date...

Great Crested Newt Evidence Enhancement Project 2013

Location of ponds surveyed as part of Phase 1 of the Natural England 2013 Greated Crested Newt Evidence Enhancement Project (NE GCN EEP Surveyed GIS).Great crested newts (GCN), alongside other...

Household interim projections, 2011-2021 (1000s), England, District By Dependent Children

The figures are based on the 2011-based interim sub-national population projections, published by the Office for National Statistics in September 2012. They replace the 2008-based household...

Household interim projections, 2011-2021 (1000s), England, District By Household Type

The figures are based on the 2011-based interim sub-national population projections, published by the Office for National Statistics in September 2012. They replace the 2008-based household...

Government Major Projects Portfolio data for Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

Each government department publishes detailed information about projects on the Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP). This September 2014 GMPP data is published in support of the 2015 Major...

National Forest Estate Roads England 2016

Compiled from Forest road network data managed by Forestry Civil Engineering. The data relates to forest road Classification. Forest Roads are categorised on the basis of intended usage (as...

Energy Performance of Buildings Register, England and Wales

Information about certificates on the energy efficiency of domestic and non-domestic buildings in England and Wales that have been constructed, sold, or let since 2008, and of larger public...

2012 Natural England Tees Estuary (WFD) Intertidal Project

Survey name: 2012 Natural England Tees Estuary (WFD) Intertidal Project This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey purposes vary...

West Coast Palaeolandscape Project (Pilot Project)

The West Coast Palaeolandscapes Project builds upon the results of comparative work carried out within the Southern North Sea as part of the North Sea Palaeolandscape Project (NSPP). The results of...

West Coast Palaeolandscape Project (Pilot Project)

The West Coast Palaeolandscapes Project builds upon the results of comparative work carried out within the Southern North Sea as part of the North Sea Palaeolandscape Project (NSPP). The results of...

Environmental Monitoring Data

Monthly air quality and noise data sets for HS2 Phase One as required by the Phase One Code of Construction Practice. Data to be reviewed in conjunction with the relevant monthly air quality and...

Species point records from 1985 University of Bristol upper Severn Estuary survey

This study was commissioned to extend the sparse information on the ecology of the Upper Severn Estuary in relation to the feasibility study to place a tidal energy barrage at English Stones. The...

Habitat point records from 1985 University of Bristol upper Severn Estuary survey

This study was commissioned to extend the sparse information on the ecology of the Upper Severn Estuary in relation to the feasibility study to place a tidal energy barrage at English Stones. The...

The Hazardous Project

Warship Hazardous sank in a storm north east of the Isle of Wight in November 1706. The wreck was discovered in 1977 approximately 800 metres south-east of Bracklesham Bay slipway, West Sussex,...

The Hazardous Project

Warship Hazardous sank in a storm north east of the Isle of Wight in November 1706. The wreck was discovered in 1977 approximately 800 metres south-east of Bracklesham Bay slipway, West Sussex,...

2016-based population projections

The 2016-based population projections are the most recent set of GLA projections. These projections will form part of the evidence based for the Mayor's new London Plan.  Note: These outputs...

2016-based household projections

The 2016-based household projections are the most recent set of GLA projections. These projections will form part of the evidence based for the Mayor's new London Plan. These projections are...

2015 round household projections

IMPORTANT NOTE: These projections have been superceded, please see  for the latest GLA projections.   Household projections incorporating the results of the...

Constrained R2015 SHLAA projection

These borough-level population projections form part of the GLA 2015 round population projections. They are produced using the GLA SHLAA-capped model and are constrained at the regional level to be...