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294 results found

Placing Requests in Local Authority Schools in Scotland

Requests to place children in schools outside of the catchment area, by stage and sector. Provides success rate and reasons for refusal. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

Further education and skills: statistical first release (SFR)

Final further education and skills data for 2013 to 2014 and provisional further education and skills data for the full 2014 to 2015 academic year. Additional breakdowns of this data are...

2008-2009 Guy and Roberts Strangford Lough Crassostrea records

The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) was introduced into Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland in the 1970s. It was assumed that local environmental conditions would not facilitate successful...

Superconnected cities broadband

Leeds City Council and City of Bradford MDC are working together on a variety of digital projects under the ‘Superconnected Cities’ banner. One such project is to work with Small and Medium-sized...

Macroeconomic scenarios for London's economy post COVID-19

The main aim of this work is to develop a set of high level macro economic scenarios for the medium-term (to the end of 2022) and for the long-term (to 2030) in order to inform the development of...


This product contains a list of all soil series-layers which describe the respective properties of four successive nominal layers within each soil topsoil, upper subsoil, lower subsoil and...

A global Ediacaran-Cambrian Age Model of 130 geological successions, with radiometric ages (zircon U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS), carbon (δ13Ccarb) and strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope data (NERC Grant NE/T008458/1)

We present new age models for the Ediacaran-Cambrian which lacks a robust global temporal framework. This interval marks the radiation of animals, but there are major uncertainties in the...

Individual heath area estimates for land cover types in Dorset: 1978-2005

This dataset is a census of the heathland and associated vegetation from Dorset, UK. The Dorset heathlands are situated in South West England, and are generally associated with free-draining and...

North East nephrops gear selectivity 2004/05 - Fisheries Science Partnership

An investigation into the potential for improving the selectivity for whitefish in the North Sea Nephrops fishery using a cut-away headline trawl. The main objectives were to obtain selectivity...

Planktic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon stable isotope data (NERC Grant NE/P013112/1)

Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of planktic foraminifera spanning the early and middle Eocene succession recovered from borehole 16/28-Sb01. For description of this sedimentary sequence see...

Benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon stable isotope data (NERC Grant NE/P013112/1)

Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of benthic foraminifera spanning the early and middle Eocene succession recovered from borehole 16/28-Sb01. For description of this sedimentary sequence see...

Horizon Structure

This product contains soil series-layer properties which describe the respective structural properties of four successive nominal layers within each soil topsoil, upper subsoil, lower subsoil and...

Apprenticeships in England: Annual Data

Annually updated data for Apprenticeships in England. The data shows starts, participation and achievements in breakdowns by subject or provider type. A table of success rates is also included and...

Bulk sedimentary carbonate oxygen and carbon stable isotope data (NERC Grant NE/P013112/1)

Carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of bulk sediment carbonate spanning the early and middle Eocene succession recovered from borehole 16/28-Sb01. For description of this sedimentary sequence...

Bulk sedimentary elemental analyses by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) (NERC Grant NE/P013112/1)

Bulk sediment elemental analyses by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spanning the early and middle Eocene succession recovered from borehole 16/28-Sb01. For description of this sedimentary sequence see...

Fitness costs and benefits of intergroup interactions in banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, 2000-2019

This is a dataset on mortality costs and reproductive success from intergroup conflict in banded mongooses, collected from a wild population of banded mongooses on the Mweya Peninsula, Queen...

FGS WIG Habitats and Species - New Natural Regeneration - Claims

Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

Species point records from 1984-85 Harris lower Torridge estuary littoral survey

In common with all estuaries, that of the Torridge has a wide range of habitat types, ranging from fine, clean sand to pure mud with high organic content. Such diversity of habitats might be...

Habitat point records from 1984-85 Harris lower Torridge estuary littoral survey

In common with all estuaries, that of the Torridge has a wide range of habitat types, ranging from fine, clean sand to pure mud with high organic content. Such diversity of habitats might be...

Further Education Activity

The data presents a range of analysis regarding enrolments in the NI FE Sector covering academic years. The data cover the characteristics of those enrolling in FE colleges and trends across a...