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All Payments to Suppliers

Payments to suppliers made by City of York Council from April 2011 onwards. Resources are split according to financial years. __Date:__ The date shown is the date the transaction was input to...

EPIC Consoldation

Details to ensure correct financial reconciliation

Emergency Payment Master Listing, Unit Inputs and Journals

Details to ensure correct financial reconciliation


Tree preservation orders (TPO) correct as of 1st December 2014.

DCMS Prompt Payment Monthly Statistics

All Standard Terms and Conditions of contracts for goods and services contain provision so that: - DCMS will pay a correctly submitted invoice within 30 days of receipt for contracted work that...

Public toilets

Data showing the map locations of all public toilets in Plymouth. Figures correct 2015.

2022 Waste Data Interrogator

Three resources are available on this record for 2022: - an excel data extract of wastes received at permitted sites - an excel data extract of waste removed from permitted sites - summary tables...

Ashfield District Council Green Space Sites

Extents of green spaces within Ashfield District as polygons. With typology, typology description and access (believed correct at time of publishing)

Plynlimon research catchments: digital terrain model

Hydrologically corrected digital terrain model (DTM) of Plynlimon catchments. The DTM was derived from digitised elevation data from scanned topographic maps.

5 Day Payment Target performance for CQC

CQC aims to pay 80% (in both volume and value) of invoices within five working days of the receipt of a correctly rendered invoice.

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Five Day Payment Target

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority aim to pay suppliers within five days of receipt of a correct invoice. The following files show this performance:

CNPS-RN Compulsory Drug Testing

Command Navy Personnel Strategy(CNPS) - Joint Personnel Administration (JPA - IT System) extract required to conduct and correctly identify personnel subject to Compulsory Drug testing procedures.

Interferon-Gamma Testing for Bovine Tuberculosis - Monthly Reports from January 2023

These monthly reports summarise the gamma tests completed / reported during that calendar month. The report also summarises tests for the whole calendar year to the end of the current month. While...

Interferon-Gamma Testing for Bovine Tuberculosis - Monthly Reports from January 2024

These monthly reports summarise the gamma tests completed / reported during that calendar month. The report also summarises tests for the whole calendar year to the end of the current month. While...

Library Opening Hours

This dataset contains details of Leicester Libraries opening hours.Data is correct as of September 2022 and will be updated when changes occur.

Interferon-Gamma Testing for Bovine Tuberculosis - Monthly Reports from January 2022

These monthly reports summarise the gamma tests completed / reported during that calendar month. The report also summarises tests for the whole calendar year to the end of the current month. While...

Interferon-Gamma Testing for Bovine Tuberculosis - Monthly Reports from April 2016

These monthly reports summarise the gamma tests completed / reported during that calendar month. The report also summarises tests for the whole calendar year to the end of the current month. While...

Camden Diabetes Prevalence 2014-15

Recorded and expected prevalence of diabetes in Camden, by GP practice, 2014/15 Note: To view the charts with the correct formatting, please click the Enable editing button when Excel opens.

Camden Hypertension Prevalence 2014-15

Recorded and expected prevalence of hypertension in Camden, by GP practice, 2014/15 Note: To view the charts with the correct formatting, please click the Enable editing button when Excel opens.

EIA Ward Profiles (2021 Census)

Equality Impact Assessment profiles for Camden wards (2022) using the latest data from the 2021 Census Note. amended 18 Apr-23 disability/long-term illness proportions updated with correct % for...