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Rail passenger count data

Rail Analysis. Train operators collect passenger count data on periodic cycles (at least biannually), to facilitate capacity planning and rolling stock allocation within individual Train Operating...

Strategic Site Allocations Core Strategy 2014 Policies B3A KE3A KE4A RA5

Core Strategy adopted 2014 Policies B3A KE3A KE4A RA5. Defines the boundary of large strategic sites allocated principally for residential development on the edge of Bath, Keynsham and Whitchurch.

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Highway Improvement Scheme TP10 (A21)

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Highway Improvement Scheme TP10 (A21)

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Area Of Important Open Space EN21

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Area Of Important Open Space EN21

School Allocations 2015/16 - Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Free Schools & Academies

A dataset and associated pdf showing pupil allocations for Voluntary Aided, Foundation Schools, Free Schools & Academies in Barnet for the 2015/16 intake. Criterion under which final place...

DFID Pakistan Floods Monitor

Information about response to Pakistan floods. The dataset contains types of UK aid funding by sector (eg nutrition, water, health), UK aid by allocation to partners, and the top 20 global donors...

YDNPA Local Plan Policy C1 – Allocated housing sites

Identifies land specifically allocated for new house building development. Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015-30

Country and Regional Analysis 2010

Database of the Country and Regional Exercise (CRA) presenting the underlying data for the tables in chapter 9 of the Public Expenditure and Statistical Analyses (PESA) release from 1 July 2010....

Trends in populations of selected butterfly species - UK

These indicators on butterflies in the United Kingdom contribute to a suite of indicators in the UK Biodiversity Indicators. Early data availability allows their release ahead of that...

Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery

The Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme was launched in August 2020. This £500 million scheme funds energy efficiency and low carbon heating projects for low income households across...

Affordable Homes Guarantees Programme

Allocations for the Affordable Homes Guarantee Programme 2013-16 delivery

Defra ODA spend in line with IATI standard

As part of the Government’s Transparency Agenda, all Departments with Official Development Assistance (ODA) allocations are committed to publishing details of how they spend ODA in compliance with...

England Higher Education Institution Recurrent Grants

This dataset provides final recurrent higher education teaching and research grant allocations to each Higher Education institution and Further Education college in England.

Strategic Industrial Locations (UDP June 2006) - Rochdale Borough Council

Strategic industrial locations are a series of allocations relating to the Rochdale UDP June 2006. These allocations cover planning policies on employment and the economy (Chapter 8): EC/2 –...

Greenspaces (UDP June 2006) - Rochdale Borough Council

Greenspaces are a series of allocations relating to the Rochdale UDP June 2006. These allocations cover planning policies on Greenspace (Chapter 14) and Countryside and the Rural Economy (Chapter...

Regeneration areas (UDP June 2006) Rochdale Borough Council

Regeneration areas are a series of allocations relating to the Rochdale UDP June 2006. These allocations cover planning policies on regeneration (Chapter 12): G/R/1 – Physical regeneration...


Area allocated as CO/RL/1 in Allocations Policy Co/MU/1 in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

NI 136 - People supported to live independently through social services (all ages)

This indicator measures the number of adults aged 18-64/65+ per 1,000 population that are assisted directly through social services assessed/care planned, funded support to live independently, plus...

Bassetlaw District Council Councillor Grants

Each District Councillor is allocated up to £1,000 per annum that they may allocate to local community and voluntary groups or individuals. This information details the amount of money allocated,...

Town, District and Local centre boundaries (UDP June 2006) - Rochdale Borough Council

Town, District and Local centre boundaries are a series of allocations relating to the Rochdale UDP June 2006. These allocations cover planning policies on shopping and the roles of centres...