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2,257 results found

Cash Management

A rolling 12 months of cash receipts broken down by month and income stream.

Cash collected from compliance

Total amount of tax that HMRC collects from activity to tackle those individuals and businesses that have not paid the tax that is due, such as cash collected as a result of tax enquiries...

Back pain bulletin

Prevelance of back pain in England and in North Yorkshire from Arthritis Research UK

Cash Office Germany Reference

Army App managed by Army Command

Debt Recovery Debtor Days

A rolling 12 months of debtor days information broken down by month and providing a measure of the average time taken for debts to be paid.

Chelmsford Business Rates Write Backs

Business Rates: A list of accounts with a write back since 2000

Empty homes brought back into use

Data showing the number of empty homes brought back into use in Plymouth (2006 to 2015)

Credit card charge backs

Credit card charge backs including bank reference, candidate name and address, date of test, booking reference number, credit card number used and name and address of card holder.

Die-back symptoms in blueberry

To identify the cause of dieback and crown rot symptom responsible for rapid decline or death in blueberry bushes; to discover how the problem is spread within and between sites; develop methods to...

At sea densities of great black-backed gull in the breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for great black-backed gull, in the breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of lesser black-backed gull in the breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for lesser black-backed gull, in the breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

Daily Cash Book

Management of Treasury functions and cash flow coherence

Monthly Cash Forecast

Tracking of forecasted costs against actual

Farm Business Income, Net Farm Income and Cash Income

Presents income figures based on results from the Farm Business Survey. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

At sea densities of great black-backed gull in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for great black-backed gull, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of lesser black-backed gull in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for lesser black-backed gull, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

Bring empty private sector properties back into use

Bring empty private sector properties back into use *This indicator has been discontinued.

Dublin Cash Office Database

Details of overseas expenditure: utility bills, salaries, general expenses

Modelling a Back Series for the Consumer Price Index

The release includes an article which presents a method used to estimate a CPI series back to 1950. In addition the estimated series are provided at the all-items and two-digit CPI levels. Source...

Seven-day Services Indicators: Emergency Readmissions within 7 days of Discharge

Statistics about emergency readmissions by day of discharge. In July 2015 the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, delivered a speech ‘Making healthcare more human-centred and not...