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103 results found

Ear tag information

Cattle, sheep and Goats tag ordering information

Tagged Fish Database

Historical fish tagging release and recapture data. Consists of both paper and electronic records, as well as biological material collections (otoliths) from the 1940s onwards. Currently there...

North Sea cod tagging data 1961 - 2015 and Plaice tagging data 1957 - 2005

North Sea cod and plaice tagging data with information about fish location, maturation, sea surface temperature (SST), length, weight and time of tagging, recapture. This data can be used to...

North Sea cod tagging data 1961 - 2015 and Plaice tagging data 1957 - 2005

North Sea cod and plaice tagging data with information about fish location, maturation, sea surface temperature (SST), length, weight and time of tagging, recapture. This data can be used to...

Water Body Measures Alt and Crossens

Water body measures are the actions which will be taken on the ground to help achieve water body objectives. They are brought about by a range of legal, policy or financial mechanisms and involve...

Water Body RNAGS Alt and Crossens

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Information on replacement double tags 2009 and 2010

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of information on replacement double tags 2009 and 2010. Note: 'Set of replacement tags' means primary and secondary...

Water Body Status Classification Alt and Crossens

Water body status classification data indicates the quality or status of water bodies across a range of different parameters known as quality elements. This dataset includes the classification...

2007-2010 English Channel Crab Tagging Programme

This project applied data storage tags (DSTs) and double T-bar tags to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus*) to obtain data that describe and quantify crab movements, growth, mortality and behaviour in...

2007-2010 English Channel Crab Tagging Programme

This project applied data storage tags (DSTs) and double T-bar tags to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus*) to obtain data that describe and quantify crab movements, growth, mortality and behaviour in...

Water Body Status Objectives Alt and Crossens

Water body status objectives describe the long term aim for specific parts of the water environment. This dataset includes the latest objectives of all water bodies in the Alt and Crossens...

1968-1974 English Channel Crab Tagging Programme

Crab tagging release and recapture data collected from 1968 to 1974. This project applied Petersen disc tags to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus)* to obtain data that describe and quantify crab...

1991-1993 North Sea Crab Tagging Programme

Crab tagging release and recapture data. This project used T-bar and suture tags attached to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus*) to obtain data that describe movements and behaviour of crabs released...

1968-1974 English Channel Crab Tagging Programme

Crab tagging release and recapture data collected from 1968 to 1974. This project applied Petersen disc tags to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus)* to obtain data that describe and quantify crab...

1991-1993 North Sea Crab Tagging Programme

Crab tagging release and recapture data. This project used T-bar and suture tags attached to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus*) to obtain data that describe movements and behaviour of crabs released...

Migration of tagged silver eels in the Atlantic 2006 - 2014

Known and estimated locations of silver European eels in the Atlantic from 2006 to 2014 derived from popup satellite tags and archival tags. Other data associated with the tagging experiments...

Migration of tagged silver eels in the Atlantic 2006 - 2014

Known and estimated locations of silver European eels in the Atlantic from 2006 to 2014 derived from popup satellite tags and archival tags. Other data associated with the tagging experiments...

Electronic tag tracking data from starry smooth-hound Mustelus asterias in the northeast Atlantic 2004-2018

The data is derived from the deployment of mark-recapture and electronic tags on starry smooth-hound (*Mustelus asterias*) in the North Sea and English Channel. Tags were deployed throughout the...

Electronic tag tracking data from starry smooth-hound Mustelus asterias in the northeast Atlantic 2004-2018

The data is derived from the deployment of mark-recapture and electronic tags on starry smooth-hound (*Mustelus asterias*) in the North Sea and English Channel. Tags were deployed throughout the...

Release and recapture data from cod tagged in the North Sea from 1961 to 2015

Release and recapture data relating to cod tagged and released in the North Sea (ICES Subarea 4). Between 1961 and 2015, a total of 22,573 cod were tagged and released using either conventional...