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422 results found

Camden Street Lighting

This dataset contains the location of Camden Council owned street lighting across the borough of Camden.

Camden Senior Salaries

The Camden Senior Salaries is published on Camden's main website in compliance with the Local Government Transparency Code.

Camden Organisation Chart

The Camden Organisation Chart is published on Camden's main website in compliance with the Local Government Transparency Code.

Camden Profile (latest)

The Camden Profile provides an up-to-date analysis across a range of the latest available demographic statistics for the borough. If you require further information about the statistics covered in...

Camden Open Data Charter

Camden is a democratically accountable public body. We believe residents have a right to access data which does not compromise people’s privacy. This is why the overarching principle of the...

Public Conveniences In Camden

This dataset contains public conveniences in the London Borough of Camden. Attributes include the address and geographic coordinates of each facility; these are largely taken from Camden’s Local...

Camden Local List

Contains Camden's Local List data

Camden Cycle Hangars

Installed and proposed/planned cycle hangars in Camden

Camden Profile (latest)

The Camden Profile provides an up-to-date analysis across a range of the latest available demographic statistics for the borough. If you require further information about the statistics covered in...

Camden ' Key Facts'

Easy 1 page reference table for key facts about Camden

Camden Neighbourhood Boundaries

This data contains the boundary of each Camden Neighbourhood profile.

Camden Article 4 Direction

This dataset contain Article 4 Directions in place for the London Borough of Camden. Geometry can be downloaded by searching for Camden Article 4 Direction Area

Camden Population Growth 2016

This factsheet focuses on future population growth and changes in demographics, with data from the 2014 GLA population projections ‘Camden Development (capped average household size)’....

Camden Contracts Register

This dataset contains a list of active ICT contracts in Camden Council.

JSNA Camden Cancer

This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to cancer in Camden.

Camden Grit Bins

This dataset contains the location and description of grit bins located across Camden borough.

Camden Conservation Area

This dataset contains Article 4 Direction Areas (geometry) across the London Borough of Camden.

Camden Older People Profile

This public health intelligence profile provides an overview of Camden’s older population (aged 65 and over). It summarises the demographics, burden of ill health, hospital admissions and mortality...

Camden Population Segmentation by Ward, 2012

This forms part of Camden’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, focussing on the demographics of our population. This data shows breakdowns of Camden’s population by health conditions, age and sex,...

Camden Parking Suspensions

This dataset contains the location of parking spaces in Camden as well as if they're currently suspended or will be in the future.