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Food Hygiene Ratings website pages

A breakdown of the Food Hygiene Ratings top pages showing page views and unique page views.

Residence and Domicile Self Assessment (SA) pages

Datasets of all individuals completing the residency pages in Self Assessment for several years. Updated: annually.

Residence and Domicile Self Assessment (SA) pages

Datasets of all individuals completing the residency pages in Self Assessment for several years. Updated: annually.

Crown Prosecution Service website data

This dataset includes data about the visits to - and cost of - the CPS website, There is also data about website survey respondents' experience of using the site.

Food Hygiene Ratings website traffic

A breakdown of the Food Hygiene Ratings website traffic data showing total number of visits, unique visitors and page views.

Open Central Government Websites

Number of and list of central government open websites.

Sharp Website Registrations Data

Sharp Website allows for users to register their details for updates. Names, addresses and email addresses held.

Defra live data page for energy consumption

Real time energy consumption data for Defra's headquarters building.

Website performance

Our website statistics represent the access and usage records for our domain.

Website Statistics

This Website Statistics dataset has three resources showing usage of the Lincolnshire Open Data website. Web analytics terms used in each resource are defined in their accompanying Metadata...

HM Revenue and Customs real time data page for energy consumption

Real time energy consumption data for the HM Revenue and Customs headquarter building. 100 Parliament Street, Whitehall.

Central government websites 2011/12

The 2011/12 report covers websites run by ministerial and non‑ministerial government departments as well as their executive agencies, non‑departmental public bodies and other arm’s‑length public...

The Big Tree Plant website forms.

The Big Tree Plant website forms. These are in the form of encrypted emails to the Big Tree Plant mailbox (

HSE website annual survey

Online customer satisfaction surveys of HSE’s website visitors have been conducted in 2010, 2011 and 2013, by a HSE appointed supplier; the research company Join the Dots. Survey results are...

Website visitor survey - 2013

external Survey on customer satisfaction regarding EA website Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2016. All rights reserved.

Ministry of Justice live data page for energy consumption

Real time energy consumption for the Ministry of Justice headquarters building 102 Petty France.

DFID live data page for energy and water consumption

Real time energy and water consumption for the DFID headquarters buildings at 1 Palace Street, London SW1 and Abercrombie House, Glasgow G75.

DFID live data page for energy and water consumption

Real time energy and water consumption for the DFID headquarters buildings at 1 Palace Street, London SW1 and Abercrombie House, Glasgow G75.

HSDS Insights Page pdfs

pdfs stored here for this page:

Directgov Popular Pages

This dataset provides the information on Directgov monthly most popular pages.