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357 results found

Collaborative Deer Management Priority Areas

The Forestry Commission and Natural England are working with the Deer Initiative Ltd to improve the collaborative management of deer in priority areas. These areas are focused on concentrations of...

Collaborative Trial (CT) for basmati rice

Collaborative trial for basmati rice - using DNA methods to verify basmati rice authenticity.

North of England Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Survey

North of England Collaborative Cerebral Palsy Survey

Collaborative deer management - ecology data, 2006-2009

This dataset consists of a survey of the vegetational impacts of deer in 20 forests as part of the NERC Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. It is widely accepted, at least in principle,...

Hip fracture: collaborative orthogeriatric care (CCGOIS 3.11)

The proportion of people aged 60 and over with hip fractures who received collaborative orthogeriatric care from admission to hospital, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence...

Number of initiatives in borough's digital strategies for collaboration (data sharing/common standards)

A digital strategy is a plan for focusing and scaling up the benefits to the council, the place, and/or its customers (residents and businesses) of data assets and technology-focused projects and...

International Marine Aggregates Management Strategic Review

A comparison of the different types of federal and centralised aggregates-related heritage management in use around the world highlights how innovative the ALSF is in driving proactive,...

International Marine Aggregates Management Strategic Review

A comparison of the different types of federal and centralised aggregates-related heritage management in use around the world highlights how innovative the ALSF is in driving proactive,...

Research data

Research data created by the NHM is published in a variety of ways, usually through its own website or through research collaborators.

AQS Alpha

An experimental data source for the Air Quality Sensor project. A Collaboration between Chris Hunt (Controlled Frenzy), Gavin Jones and Christian Cook (Elixel).

SPA Buffer Zone

This policy relates to an interim mitigation strategy prepared by local authorities in collaboration with Natural England and key stakeholders. The policy applies to development proposals within...

Highland Council Community Partnerships

Highland Council Community Partnerships areas. The Highland Community Planning Partnership brings together public agencies, third sector organisations and other key community groups to work...

Ecuador Pedernales Earthquake Continuous Seismic Data (2016) (NERC grant NE/P008828/1)

Data collected as part of a UK/French/US collaborative effort to record aftershocks from the 2016 Pedernales Earthquake in Ecuador. The dataset comprises continuous seismic data recorded on...

Highland Community Partnerships

Highland Community Partnerships are a key part to increasing how we work together and more collaboratively with communities. Each Partnership in Highland is developing its own plan based on the...

Shell/ExxonMobil Geochemistry Database for Central North Sea

Continued collaboration with Shell and ExxonMobil has also resulted in the release of a significant geochemical database which contains raw and interpreted data plus associated reports from...

Shell/ExxonMobil Geochemistry Database for Non-30th Round Areas

Continued collaboration with Shell and ExxonMobil has also resulted in the release of a significant geochemical database which contains raw and interpreted data plus associated reports from...

Shell/ExxonMobil Geochemistry Database for West of Britain

Continued collaboration with Shell and ExxonMobil has also resulted in the release of a significant geochemical database which contains raw and interpreted data plus associated reports from...

Shell/ExxonMobil Geochemistry Database for West of Shetland

Continued collaboration with Shell and ExxonMobil has also resulted in the release of a significant geochemical database which contains raw and interpreted data plus associated reports from...

Shell/ExxonMobil Geochemistry Database for Northern North Sea

Continued collaboration with Shell and ExxonMobil has also resulted in the release of a significant geochemical database which contains raw and interpreted data plus associated reports from...

Shell/ExxonMobil Geochemistry Database for Southern North Sea

Continued collaboration with Shell and ExxonMobil has also resulted in the release of a significant geochemical database which contains raw and interpreted data plus associated reports from...