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Motoring offences and breath test statistics

Number of motoring offences and breath tests dealt with by the police. Details are provided of both the offence and action taken. Statistics are also included on penalty charge notices issued by...

Police breath alcohol screening test results

Results of breath alcohol screening tests collected by police using new digital meters funded by DfT. Data includes information about breath alcohol levels, reason for test, age, gender and time of...

Breathe London AQMesh pods

The Breathe London stationary network is made up of 100 [AQMesh]( pods, each containing a collection of small sensor-based air quality monitors that offer near real-time...

Breathe London Mobile Monitoring

Two Google Street View cars, equipped with reference-type air quality monitors, are measuring air pollution over approximately 600 eight-hour shifts between autumn 2018 and autumn 2019. The cars...

Summary provisional statistics on breath alcohol screening tests England and Wales

The bulletin provides some provisional analysis based on the results of breath alcohol tests administered by police in 2009 at the roadside using recently introduced new digital breath testing...

Quarterly Monitoring of Feed Law Controls

Numbers of animal feed inspections delivered and sampling carried out by Local Authorities on a quarterly basis, summarised by regional Trading Standards groups.

Biotoxin Official Control Sampling Schedule

FSA Northern Ireland Official Control Shellfish Sampling Dates for Biotoxins.

Microbiological Official Control Sampling Schedule

FSA Northern Ireland Official Control Shellfish Sampling Dates for Microbiology

Glossary of Export Control

A listing which provides definitions of specialised expressions and acronymns used in export control.

UKBA controlled archive

Details of asylum applications received before 5 March 2007 which were not processed following loss of contact with the applicant. The controlled archive comprises cases where extensive attempts...

Access control database

Database of staff name, office address and photograph.

Exceptions to spend controls (National Crime Agency)

These documents contain details of exceptions to the government’s moratorium on third-party spend at the National Crime Agency. The areas covered are: - ICT - Recruitment - New property...

National Control Programme for the Control of Salmonella in breeding pigs - stakeholder contacts list

National Control Programme for the Control of Salmonella in breeding pigs - stakeholder contacts list

National Control Programme for the Control of Salmonella in Turkey flocks - stakeholder contacts list

National Control Programme for the Control of Salmonella in Turkey flocks - stakeholder contacts list

National Control Programme for the Control of Salmonella in chicken flocks - stakeholder contacts list

National Control Programme for the Control of Salmonella in chicken flocks - stakeholder contacts list

Control of Immigration: Quarterly statistics

Quarterly statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration, and enforcement and compliance. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National...

Development Control Statistics, England

Development control at national, regional and local planning authority level. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Planning - Development Control Statistics

Planning - Development Control Statistics - Live tables on Development Control Please note: The annual development control statistics have been discontinued.

Export control licence applications

The Export Control Organisation controls the export of military and dual-use items. It does this by issuing export licences to UK companies who wish to export controlled goods overseas. Export...

Control of Immigration: Annual statistics

Annual statistics relating to information on border control and visas, asylum, managed migration, and enforcement and compliance. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National...