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Camden Wards Profile (Excel) Jan 2020

Excel data sheet updated wards profile with data sheet and associated graphs.

Camden Wards Profile LATEST (Excel within ZIP)

Profile of ward-level indicators from a variety of sources. Excel within Zip file

Excel Mapping Template for London Boroughs and Wards

A free mapping tool that allows you to create a thematic map of London without any specialist GIS skills or software - all you need is Microsoft Excel. Templates are available for London’s Boroughs...

Combined Authorites (June 2016)

Combined Authorities in England (June 2016) There are currently seven Combined Authorities in England Greater Manchester Liverpool City Region North East Sheffield City Region Tees...

% of the panel reporting an ‘excellent’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service

% of the panel reporting an ‘excellent’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service

Combined cancer survival by primary care trusts

This presents a survival index for al cancers combined for primary care trusts in England Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Combined Heat and Power database

Internal database of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants in the UK. The department is unable to publish site level data as this information is commercially sensitive. We publish statistics on CHP...

Combined Authorities (December 2018) Boundaries EN BUC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England, as at December 2018. THE BUC boundaries ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water...

Combined Authorities (December 2018) Boundaries EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England, as at December 2018. The BGC boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water...

Combined Authorities (March 2017) Boundaries EN BSC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England as at March 2017. The boundaries are super generalised (200m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark)....

Combined Authorities (March 2017) Boundaries EN BUC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England as at March 2017. The boundaries are ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark)....

Combined Authorities (December 2018) Boundaries EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England, as at December 2018. The BFC boundaries are Full Clipped - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark)....

Combined Authorities (March 2017) Boundaries EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England as at March 2017. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark). Contains...

Combined Authorities (March 2017) Boundaries EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities in England as at March 2017. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water mark)....

Combined Authorities (June 2016) Boundaries EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for combined authorities (CAUTH) in England as at 17 June 2016. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water...

Combined Authorities (June 2016) Boundaries EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for combined authorities (CAUTH) in England as at 17 June 2016. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean High Water...

Combined Authorities (December 2020) Boundaries EN BUC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities, in England, as at December 2020.The boundaries available are: (BUC) Ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the coastline...

Combined Authorities (December 2019) Boundaries EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities, in England, as at December 2019.The boundaries available are: (BGC) Generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline (Mean...

Combined Authorities (December 2019) Boundaries EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities, in England, as at December 2019.The boundaries available are: (BFC) Full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean High...

Combined Authorities (December 2020) Boundaries EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Combined Authorities, in England, as at December 2020.The boundaries available are: (BFC) Full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean High...