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2,487 results found

General Medical Practitioners

Current GP Practitioners in England and Wales Contains: Name and address information and identifying codes for General Practitioners (GPs) working in England and Wales. These identifying codes...

General Dental Practitioners

General Dental Practitioners in England, Wales and Isle of Man Contains: Name and identifying code for General Dental Practitioners working in England, Wales and the Isle of Man. Note that...

General Practitioners survey 2010 and 2012

General Practitioners' attitudes to health and work (anonymised). 1,405 GPs (2010) and 1189 GPs (2012) from England, Scotland and Wales.

Insolvency Practitioner Directory

A publicly searchable database of persons authorised to act as an insolvency practitioner in Great Britain

General Medical Practitioners - by Practice

General Practitioner’s membership of GP Practices Contains: Mapping of General Practitioner codes (GPs) to the relevant GP Practice or Practices at which they work.

General Dental Practitioners - by Practice

General Dental Practitioner’s membership of General Dental Practices Contains: A mapping of General Dental Practitioner codes to the Dental Practice or Practices at which they work.

Licensed Practitioner List

Guildford Borough Council List of Practitioners Registered to carry out Acupuncture/Ear piercing/Body piercing/Semi-permanent Skin-Colouring/Tattooing/Electrolysis.

Archived General Medical Practitioners

Archived GP Practitioners (GPs) in England, Wales, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man. Contains: Name and address information and GNC codes for General Practitioners working in England and Wales,...

Northern Ireland Family Practitioner Services Statistical Report

The report provides statistics relating to General Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic and Pharmaceutical Services in Northern Ireland in 2007/08. It examines the number of GPs, Dentists, Optometrists...

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Activity, England

Non-disclosive dataset of activity taking place in the community at dedicated Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, including activity at non NHS service providers where available. SRH...

Health profiles

Health profiles at local authority level including general health, child health, alcohol and tobacco related health issues

Oral Health

This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to oral health in Camden.

HPI: Health capital

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Health capital: Individuals potential for health across the life course Source: Department of Health (DoH), Health Survey for England, 1998 to 2001, ONS...

Occupational Health

Occupational Health providers: Have visibility of a range of data relating to individuals who are referred to them by managers/HR. This will include data relating to age, medical history and...

Child Health Profiles

Child Health Profiles provide a snapshot of child health and well-being for each local authority in England using key health indicators, which enable comparison locally, regionally and nationally....

Local Health Profiles

Health profiles for all LA areas presenting a range of indicators and a snapshot of the overall health of the local population. The Department of Health was previously responsible for the...

Child Health Profiles

Child Health Profiles provide a snapshot of child health and well-being for each local authority in England using key health indicators, which enable comparison locally, regionally and...

Health Analysis

To inform readers on new developments in methodology affecting official statistics on health, and promote the wider use and understanding of research based on ONS data and other official...

Local Health Profiles

Health profiles for all LA areas presenting a range of indicators and a snapshot of the overall health of the local population. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not...

Focus on Health

Describes the health of people living in the UK across key dimensions: health status, risk factors, ill-health, preventive, curative and long-term care services and mortality. Source agency:...