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290 results found

Packaging Flow Summary

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA361. Packaging Flow Summary, provides the 4 agencies amalgamated targets (obligations) for the UK, based on Producer figures. The data has been...

Packaging Revenue Report

This metadata record is for Approval for Access product AfA366. Provides amalgamated UK spend on where money obtained by reprocessors and exporters from selling waste evidence was reinvested into...

VOA Residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) 'achieved' rents

Sample of landlords and agents (not statistically drawn). The data is collected for three prime statutory purposes each delivering national policy: 1. Housing Benefit subsidy for Residential...

VOA Residential Private Rented Sector (PRS) 'achieved' rents

Sample of landlords and agents (not statistically drawn). The data is collected for three prime statutory purposes each delivering national policy: 1. Housing Benefit subsidy for Residential...

Packaging Producer Public Register

This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA363. Provides the 4 agencies registered producers. Attribution statement: © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2019. All...

Packaging Regulations Approved Schemes

Contact details of approximately 24 Packaging schemes who have registered with the Environment Agency under the Producer Responsibility Regulations for Packaging. Attribution statement: ©...

Recovery and Recycling Packaging Summary

This record is Approved for Access product AfA360. The Recovery and Recycling Packaging Summary provides information/data on recycling & recovery by each quarter. Figures in this product are...

Recycling and Recovery from Packaging 1999 to 2008

Recycling and Recovery from Packaging 1999 to 2008

NI 133 - Timeliness of social care packages

Acceptable waiting times for delivery of care packages following assessment: For new clients aged 65+, the percentage for whom the time from completion of assessment to provision of services in the...

NI 133 - Timeliness of social care packages

Acceptable waiting times for delivery of care packages following assessment: For new clients aged 65+, the percentage for whom the time from completion of assessment to provision of services in the...

Conservation Advice Package Status (England)

This dataset provides information on both terrestrial and marine protected sites across England, and the status of their Conservation packages, which are accessed via Designated Sites View. The...

Packaging Regulations - Approved Reprocessors and Exporters

Contact details of approximately 350 Packaging reprocessors and exporters who have registered with the Environment Agency under the Producer Responsibility Regulations for Packaging. Complete...

Packaging Regulations - Producers - Registered Entities only

Contact details of approximately 5250 Packaging producers who have registered with the Environment Agency under the Producer Responsibility Regulations for Packaging. Owing to data protection...

Community Care Statistics: Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care for Adults

The Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care Project (RAP) was developed to provide a coherent set of National Statistics on adult community care. Community care is the process by which requests...

Land allocated for housing

Local plan allocation 2006 - Residential allocations The Plan has allocated one site for housing (see policy PR 1), and six sites for mixed use development (see policy PR 2) where an element of...

CMS Data Package

The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) launched the 32nd Offshore Licensing Round on 11th July 2019. This included 16 blocks covering 15 Carboniferous and Bunter Fields that have reached CoP in...

Adult Social Care - Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care

Discontinued in 2013/14 and replaced by the SALT (Short and Long Term Support) return this annual statutory return contains details of Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Adult Social...

National Asthma and COPD Audit Programme (NACAP): Pulmonary rehabilitation clinical and organisational audit 2019 report

The pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) combined clinical and organisational audit report is the second report published post launch of continuous data collection on 1 March 2019. The report presents...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Folkestone Pomerania: Benthic Sampling and Photo/Video Survey FKPM_cend0812: Eastern Channel (01/06/2012 to 03/06/2012)

Hamon grab, camera sledge and drop camera deployments were carried out on a pr-defined sample grid. Sampling areas were defined using 100% MB coverage of the site. These data are archived with the...

R Script for: Modelling framework to quantify the risk of AMR exposure via food products

Script for a stochastic modelling framework built in R to quantify the risk of AMR exposure via food products. It was built using several R packages to simulate probability distribution, compute...