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Marine Management Organisation Evidence Project Register

This is a list of evidence projects Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has undertaken including currently ongoing commissions.

Portfolio Management database

To manage DECC's portfolio of programmes, projects & BAU. Contains list of projects (similar to DECC chart of accounts), project spend & benefits, names of key personal, delivery...

Report: Kingsnorth E.ON UK Carbon Capture & Storage Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 10: Project Management Reports

During 2010-11, as part of the Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Demonstration Competition process, E.ON undertook a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for the development of a commercial...

Woodland Carbon Code Projects

The Woodland Carbon Code ( is the standard for UK woodland creation projects where carbon is accounted for. It is managed by the Forestry Commission. All projects...

Project and Programme Documentation

FCO(S) - Various Project and Programme Documentation, Management Information and Customer Information

Management Plans

Management Plans provide a simpler alternative to Forest Plans for woodlands under 100 hectares. They are required as part of the eligibility criteria for SRDP grants. However no grant payments...

Building Regulations Research Programme Programme Management System (PMS)

PMS is an on-line project management tool / database that manages documents, contracts and outline financial information on Building Regulations research contracts and controls the access and...

Hidden crisis project: studies of community water management in Malawi and Uganda 2017-2018 (NERC Grant NE/M008606/1)

In developing countries, the dominant model for managing rural water supplies is a community-level association or committee. Although a relative paucity of evidence exists to support this model, it...

Deer Management

Deer Management

Leadership & Management

Leadership & Management

Woodland management

Woodland management

Utilities Management

Utilities Management

Budget Management

Budget Management

360 Line Manager

Performance Management Feedback system for line managers only.


Polygon covering the extent of project that works closely with mineral operators, landowners and the local community to co-ordinate a range of nature conservation, land management and public access...

Amber rated Large Projects - CYC

Amber rated Large Projects - CYC. RAG (red-amber-green) project rating is used in project management for indicating the progress of projects. This measure shows the number of council's large...

Red rated Large Projects - CYC

Red rated Large Projects - CYC. RAG (red-amber-green) project rating is used in project management for indicating the progress of projects. This measure shows the number of council's large...

Senior Management Structure

Senior Management structure displaying the top 3 tiers of management.This data will be updated when the structure changes.

Forest Management Coupes

This dataset shows management coupes. These are areas of intended management and may not be implemented when indicated or at all. The feature description field indicates the probable...

Deer Management Group boundaries

Boundary of all Deer Management Groups in Scotland. Voluntary Deer Management Groups (DMGs) cover most of Scotland’s upland red deer range and adjacent land. Managing herds of red deer where they...