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Utilities Management

Utilities Management

Scottish Government Utility and Governmental Services View Service (WMS)

This view service provides spatial data relating to utility and governmental services held by the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government Utility and Governmental Services Download Service (WFS)

This download service provides spatial data relating to utility and governmental services held by the Scottish Government.

Defra Utility Consumption and Cost April 2016 to April 2017

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from April 2016 to April 2017.

Rushmoor INSPIRE Annex iii Utility And Government Service Theme

Data falling under the theme of 'Utility And Government Service' for Rushmoor Borough Council in the INSPIRE legislation Rushmoor Borough Council INSPIRE WMS Services are licenced under the terms...

Utility_and_Gov_Services (MapService)

This view service provides spatial data relating to hydropower and all licensed sites

Raw CO2 and CH4 concentration data from a Picarro CRDS during experiments which tested the utility of methane as a tracer to quantify CO2 leakage into aqueous environments

Raw CO2 and CH4 concentration data from a Picarro Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) during experiments which tested the utility of methane as a tracer to quantify CO2 leakage into aqueous...

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Utility and Governmental Services

This download service provides spatial data relating to: - SEPA Licensed Sites

Utility and government services - UK fishing intensity associated with oil and gas pipelines (2007-2015)

The layers provide information on the intensity of mobile fishing associated with Oil and Gas pipelines and cables. Each layer was created by calculating the total number of fishing tracks in 1 km...

BGS International Minerals-Related Data Holdings Scoping Study Report

The object of the scoping study was to assess the feasibility of creating a BGS International Minerals Data Library by first reviewing the nature and extent of minerals-related data holdings...

Data and codes to demonstrate measurement of shear-wave attenuation anisotropy beneath the Ethiopian Rift

Shear-wave attenuation anisotropy can provide constraints on mantle melt, such as that present beneath the Ethiopian rift. This package contains codes implementing a new methodology to measure such...

Gas consumption on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016.

Water consumption on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016.

Electricity cost on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016.

Electricity consumption on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016.

Gas consumption cost on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016.

Cost of water consumption on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016.

Cost of oil consumption on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016.

Gas consumption cost on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016. Attribution statement:

Water quality data for the River Frome catchment, Dorset, 1976-2022

This dataset is a compilation of water quality data for the River Frome catchment, Dorset, UK. The data have been sourced from the Environment Agency and from Wessex Water Ltd., the water utility...