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1,042 results found

Google Mobility by Borough

These data provide evidence of how movement in London was been affected by the various control measures for COVID-19 and how much they recovered once those measures were eased. **NOTE: Google...

What's on in Salford

Forthcoming events taking place in Salford.

What's on events

An excel csv file showing the dates and event titles for the year 2017

What Is The Population Guide

Quick guide to population measures and the latest current information on the overall population of Camden.

Diagnostic Imaging Dataset (DID)

The DID is a mandated central collection of detailed information about diagnostic imaging tests carried out on NHS patients. Data that is extracted from NHS provider Radiological Information System...

River Hackathon: What happened on the Day?

River Hackathon: What happened on the Day?

Cambridgeshire Insight and Open Data Portal Google Analytics Summary

This dataset will display quarterly Google analytics figures for both Cambridgeshire Insight and Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data Portal. It includes total users, total sessions and total page views.

National Archives Staff Engagement

The Civil Service People Survey involves organisations from across the civil service. A key element of the survey is the 'Employee Engagement Index'. This is a measure of how engaged employees are...

Council building information

A dataset providing information about local council services in Leeds. Leeds City Council uses this information to populate the Knowledge Panels on the Google search website.  The dataset includes...

What can we learn about social integration in London from Twitter?

At the beginning of 2019 the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned Ipsos MORI to develop a deeper understanding of social integration using publicly accessible Twitter data.  The research...

The patient journey post hip fracture: What constitutes rehabilitation?

A summary of rehabilitation practice for hip fracture patients across Scotland in 2008. Includes patient data summarised by hospital on falls (cause and context); actions during inpatient stay;...

Audit Trail Analysis Service 2

Audit Trail Analysis Service 2 (ATAS2) will be used by many DWP business systems for the storage of audit trail data and for making that data available for interrogation. The ATAS systems can... usage statistics

Usage data for Gives an impression of the quality and quantity of usage, the browsers used and which pages had the most interest. Data from Google Analytics. Updated daily.

What do Londoners think of their local NHS Services in 2010 survey

A survey commissioned by NHS London from Ipsos MORI in 2010 on what Londoners think of their local NHS Services. The results are based on responses to questions around - Public perceptions of...

Gen Z data tables – total sample; and Gen Z data tables – Gen Z sample

These two datasets provide the responses to a survey on food including what influences decisions on what people choose to eat, and what is important to people when selecting food for example price,...

Bulletins sent out for the FSA email and SMS alerts service

A breakdown of bulletin activity on what was sent and how many, and the number of open rates.

Water quality monitoring data GC-MS and LC-MS semi-quantitative screen

The Environment Agency uses semi-quantitative gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS and LC-MS) targeted screening methods to analyse water samples for a wide range of substances at once. This...

Web analytics for East Sussex County Council

Open read-only access to Google Analytics reports for some East Sussex County Council websites. We are happy for this data to be used under the Open Government Licence, but clearly Google's...

OS NGD API - Features

OS NGD API – Features gives you simple access to the OS National Geographic Database (OS NGD). Get started quickly and request the data you need, as and when you need it, using the latest in API...

Spend over £25,000 in Treasury Solicitors Department

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by the Treasury Solicitor’s Department, Attorney General’s Office and HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate, as...