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Article 4 B1 to C3

shows the boundaries and locations of heritage assets in lambeth

Restrictive Covenants

HM Land Registry’s Restrictive Covenants data contains entries made in the Title Register that record binding conditions that determine what an owner can, or cannot do, with their land or property...

Estimating the provision of business mentoring

Data behind the charts presented in research report on business mentoring organisations operating in England. Provides a baseline estimate of the number and services of business mentors operating...

Special Health Authorities

Special Health Authorities Contains: Codes for Special Health Authorities in England (note that Special HAs tend to be national organisations rather than administering a particular area of...

Development Completed

Records all completions of new buildings and refurbishments over 1000 sq m since 1990. More detail provided in the Development Info reports and Development Schedules. Contact Monitoring &...

2001, BP Exploration, Cyrus UKCS 16/28-C3, Drilling Hazard Survey, BGS Reference Number BP01SS0004

An oil and gas industry drilling hazard site survey acquired in June 2001. The block number traversed was 16/28.


Polygon boundary indicating where an Article 4 Direction approved by the Secretary of State requires a planning application for changing a current C3 (dwelling house) use to a C4 use (house of...

Houses in Multiple Occupation Article 4

Houses of Multiple Occupation Article 4 Area in Sheffield. Within the Article 4 area, planning permission is required to convert a dwelling house (Use class C3) into an HMO for 3 to 6 unrelated...

Development Pipeline - Current

Records all sites of new buildings and refurbishments over 1000 sq m in the development pipeline at the time of the last development survey (end of March/September). More detail provided in the...

Effects of thinning and extraction on advance regeneration (Wykeham 2007)

Extensive damage to and mortality of understorey seedlings during overstorey thinning could prevent the use of natural regeneration as a method of restocking. Experiments carried out on three...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1651, DWR C3 Tail of the Falls, (04/07/2019 to 03/10/2019)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1651; DWR C3 Tail of...

Effects of thinning and extraction on advance regeneration of Sitka spruce (Dartmoor 2005)

Extensive damage to and mortality of understorey seedlings during overstorey thinning could prevent the use of natural regeneration as a method of restocking. Experiments carried out on three...

Green Corridor

Isolated patches of wildlife habitat tend to be less rich in species than continuous habitats. This is particularly significant in the urban areas where there can be rich habitats which are...

Hackney Enhance corridors

Enhance corridors are basically identified growth areas for new development in the Borough and tend to follow key transport routes in the Borough. It is where new development for residential,...

Article 4 Direction Areas - Houses in Multiple Occupation

City-wide area within which permitted development rights have been removed for changes of use from C3 Dwellinghouses (family/single household occupancy dwellings) to C4 Houses in Multiple...

Article 4 Regulation

An Article 4 direction removes various forms of permitted development right normally associated with a property. The reasons for the directions are normally to prevent development that would harm...

How old is our housing?

This dataset provides information for Cambridgeshire, West Suffolk and Peterborough, showing the age of homes as provided by the Valuation Office Agency, based on council tax records. The first...

Impact indicator: affordable housing completions

Number of affordable housing completions (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total reported numbers of completions under the relevant programmes within the reporting...

Impact indicator: affordable housing starts

Number of affordable housing starts (seasonally adjusted) #### How the figure is calculated: Total reported numbers of starts under the relevant programmes within the reporting period. Because...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1399, Dover Strait RRS, (05/12/2012 to 01/01/2013)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1399; DWR C1, Area in...