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203 results found

Trust Agents

Data on Trust Agents. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2004/05

Tax Agents

Name and address details of Tax Agents including appropriate agent identifier

Trust Agents

Data on Trust Agents. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2004/05

Failed payment recalls

Customer level data containing details of payment recalls that have failed Location: GB wide data Time Period: 14 months Update Frequency: Daily Financial Information: Included Data: Customer...

Key tax deadlines for tax agents

Tax calendar dates for tax agents, regarding Income Tax Pay As You Earn and Self Assessment, National Insurance Contributions and the Construction Industry Scheme.

Pollinators as delivery agents

Feasibility study into the potential of crop pollinators to act as delivery agents of entomopathogenic fungi

Carrying Agent Approvals 2014

This dataset covers authorisations issued by APHA to carrying agents enabling them to transport rabies susceptible animals imported under licence to quarantine premises in England. The dataset...

Carrying Agent Approvals 2015

This dataset covers authorisations issued by APHA to carrying agents enabling them to transport rabies susceptible animals imported under licence to quarantine premises in England. The dataset...

Employers who fail to pay National Minimum or National Living Wage

Under a revised scheme announced on 11 February 2020, the naming of employers will resume. This process will call out businesses failing to pay their workers the National Minimum Wage and failing...

% of dwellings failing to meet the decent homes standard

% of dwellings failing to meet the decent homes standard

No of council homes in York failing to meet the decency standard

No of council homes in York failing to meet the decency standard

Statutory Compliance data

Facilities Management information on a number of issues including statutory compliance, fire, health and safety and environment. Compliance checks to ensure that building owners, landlords and...

Raw Cows' Drinking Milk Quarterly Sampling

Volume of raw cows’ drinking milk samples which passed or failed their quarterly microbiological analyses by month.

NI 014 - Avoidable contact: the proportion of customer contact that is of low or no value to the customer the council failing to do something or do something right for the customer

The indicator will measure the total number of customer contacts against the total number of resolved customer requests, expressed as a percentage. Source: Cabinet Office (CO) Publisher: DCLG...

NI 014 - Avoidable contact: the proportion of customer contact that is of low or no value to the customer the council failing to do something or do something right for the customer

The indicator will measure the total number of customer contacts against the total number of resolved customer requests, expressed as a percentage.

Legal Services Group - Criminal Enforcement Prosecutions Survey

Business feedback on the working relationship between Legal A and external organisations, including standing counsel and Agent Solicitors

Private Landlord Survey

The 2010 Private Landlord Survey is a national survey of landlords and managing agents who own and/or manage privately rented properties in England. The aim of the survey is to provide a snap-shot...

NI 089b - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures - Average time in special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

NI 089a - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures - Number of schools in special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

NI 089 - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...