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1,078 results found

Hot Dry Rocks - Scotland

Hot dry rocks are a potential source of geothermal energy. In Scotland they are likely to exist as buried high heat production granites. Alongside other data from the Scotland Heat Map, information...

Individual Electoral Registration: Confirmation Dry Run Data

Data details the results of the confirmation dry run (CDR), a test of the confirmation process which will be the first step in transition to Individual Electoral Registration. The full evaluation...

Reservoir Flood Extents - Dry Day (National)

This data shows the individual flood extents for all large raised reservoirs in the event that they were to fail and release the water held on a “dry day” when local rivers are at normal...

Dry Year Precipitation Patterns Dataset for the Jazira Region of Syria

This dry year precipitation dataset complements 13 other datasets as part of a study that compared ancient settlement patterns with modern environmental conditions in the Jazira region of...

UKCP09: Gridded Datasets of Annual values of Maximum number of consecutive dry days

UKCP09: Gridded datasets of annual values. Maximum number of cosecutive dry days. The day-by-day sum of the mean number of degrees by which the air temperature is more than a value of 22 °C...

Air Quality Monitoring

Most recent Monitoring points for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in Cheltenham Town centre AQMA (Air Quality Management Area). An air quality management area (AQMA) is effectively an air quality...

Household waste: green and dry recycling rates: 1997/98 to 2009/10

Household waste: green and dry recycling rates: 1997/98 to 2009/10

Air Quality Data from UK-AIR

This data is downloaded from UK-AIR database from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The data supplied contains the daily average pollutant reading for Ozone, Nitrogen Oxide,...

Air Timetables

Air Timetables


SEPA Air Monitoring sites in Scotland

Air Quality

Air Quality monitoring stations taken from Stroud District Council.

Air Quality Hotspots

Air Quality Hotspots (areas of poor air quality under consideration for remedial measures) within Dudley Metropolitan Borough.


SPRI (Scottish Pollution Release Inventory) sites in Scotland which have recorded releases to air

Bristol Air quality

Air quality is monitored continuously at several sites in and around the city with continuous analysers. Real time data from our air quality monitoring network, and from sites in Bristol that are...

Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas are areas identified where air pollution exceeds the national air quality objectives. Actions taken to improve air quality are focused on these areas and their success...

NI Air Quality

Air pollution results from the introduction of a range of substances into the atmosphere from a wide variety of sources. It can cause both short term and long term effects on health, but also on...

Air Passenger Experience

Results from the module of the CAA air passenger survey giving their experiences. Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Air Quality Monitors

Locations of Bristol City Council operated air quality monitoring sites, which defines the areas of poor air quality in Bristol.Data displayed is annual nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations...

Air Quality Monitoring Locations

Air Quality Management Areas are areas identified where air pollution exceeds the national air quality objectives. Actions taken to improve air quality are focused on these areas and their success...

Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas - The Environment Agency is a regulator for the release of air pollutants into the atmosphere from large, complex industrial processes. This will soon include emissions...