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64 results found

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Tractable equations of state for CO2 mixtures in CCS: algorithms for automated generation and optimisation, tailored to end-users

This project will tackle one of the key technical challenges facing the development of commercially viable CO2 transport networks: modelling the phase behaviour of impure carbon dioxide, under the...

Hydrological extremes and feedbacks in the changing water cycle (NERC Grant NE/I00677X/1)

2 examples of Integrated Water Vapour Transport (IVT) maps generated using a new algorithm produced from the work done under the Grant. This algorithm has been published and the article can be...

Monthly average non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter concentrations on the UK shelf waters

Spatially gridded, monthly average of non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM). Based on satellite derived Ifremer OC5 algorithm (Gohin et al 2011). Interpolated and merged data from SeaWiFS,...

Monthly average non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter concentrations on the UK shelf waters

Spatially gridded, monthly average of non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM). Based on satellite derived Ifremer OC5 algorithm (Gohin et al 2011). Interpolated and merged data from SeaWiFS,...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project data: CO2 equation of state software

CO2 equation of state software from UKCCSRC project: Tractable equations of state for CO2 mixtures in CCS: Algorithms for automated generation and optimisation, tailored to end-users and tutorial...

Transport Connectivity Travel Time Data

Representative travel times from each small area of England to selected transport destinations (airports, larger rail stations and major road junctions) which are the outputs of journey time...

DiSECCS Seismic Toolbox

EPSRC project EP/K035878/1 - The DiSECCS seismic analysis toolbox comprises a series of codes which implement various algorithms for analysing post-stack seismic data acquired as part of a...

DiSECCS - Diagnostic Seismic Toolbox for Efficient Control of CO2 Storage. Work Package 5 - Seismic Analysis Toolbox. BGS Report OR/17/013.

Report summarising the contents of the seismic analysis toolbox produced during the DiSECCS project. The toolbox comprises an online library of seismic software developed and utilised in the...

Census 2011 - Output Area Centroids

Output Area (OA) centroids are point features that are used to link Output Areas to other ‘higher’ geographies via a ‘best-fit- match. Each OA is assigned to an area in a higher geography by...

Census 2022 – Output Area Centroids

Output Area (OA) centroids are point features that are used to link Output Areas to other ‘higher’ geographies via a ‘best-fit- match. Each OA is assigned to an area in a higher geography by...

GloboLakes: high-resolution global limnology data

This dataset collection holds high-resolution datasets related to in-land water for limnology (study of in-land waters) and remote sensing applications. These were produced by the Department of...

GloboLakes: high-resolution global limnology data

This dataset collection holds high-resolution datasets related to in-land water for limnology (study of in-land waters) and remote sensing applications. These were produced by the Department of...

Plant-pollinator interactions database for construction of potential networks

Plant-pollinator interactions database derived from biological recording data, unpublished experimental data and published interactions in books and papers. The database covers all recorded...

Modelled dynamic response characteristics of selected micro-basins in the UK

The data are dynamic response characteristics (DRCs) produced by modelling the rainfall-runoff behaviour of a series of micro-basins installed by the NERC Q-NFM project largely in Cumbria (UK) and...

Random Forest model output prediction raster for the occurrence of Fe-Mn in the World Oceans

The raster provide the output of a machine-learning random forest algorithm modelling the occurrence of ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crust deposits in the world ocean. This raster constitutes a...

Welsh Mountain ewe urine frequency and volume data measured from tri-axial accelerometers on ewes grazing two upland pastures in North Wales

This dataset contains urine frequency and volume data measured from tri-axial accelerometers on Welsh mountain ewes free-grazing two contrasting upland field sites (semi-improved and unimproved...

Global Cloud and Aerosol Dataset Produced by the Global Retrieval of ATSR Cloud Parameters and Evaluation (GRAPE) Project as part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) Programme

The aim of the GRAPE project was to produce a global cloud and aerosol dataset using a state-of-the-art physical retrieval of the entire duration of the Along Track Scanning Radiometer 2 (ATSR-2)...

Global Cloud and Aerosol Dataset Produced by the Global Retrieval of ATSR Cloud Parameters and Evaluation (GRAPE) Project as part of the Clouds, Water Vapour and Climate (CWVC) Programme

The aim of the GRAPE project was to produce a global cloud and aerosol dataset using a state-of-the-art physical retrieval of the entire duration of the Along Track Scanning Radiometer 2 (ATSR-2)...

Surface wave dispersion measurements for the Pacific, 2023 - 2024

Synthetic and real dispersion measurements for paths across the Pacific, consists of 2 datasets; SS3DPacific_new - This is a data set of surface-wave dispersion measurements. The dispersion is...

Census 2001 - Output Area Centroids

This dataset shows the 2001 Census Output Areas (OAs) Household Weighted Centroids. An individual Output Area generally covers a sufficiently small area (subject to meeting minimum population /...