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Allotment land, public open space, green field, protected land, allotments act 1908, public garden, community garden sites are freehold by Rother District Council, lease in place for majority of...


List of Allotments within the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council.  For details of the waiting list and availability please visit the [Allotment waiting...


allotments Allotment Gardens is a polygon dataset which includes attribution on the location of designated allotments within the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be...


Allotment sites in Calderdale including site ID, location, ward, area in hectares and management status.  This data has been derived from Ornance Survey base mapping. (C) Crown copyright \[and...


Polygon data showing the location of allotments. Each allotment has an assigned score in accordance with Planning Policy Guidance 17.


Polygon data showing the location of allotments. Each allotment has an assigned score in accordance with Planning Policy Guidance 17.


The Allotment dataset contains information such as locations, settlements, catchment figures and wards for all allotments within the West Berkshire District.


Southampton and surrounding areas allotments, community gardens and urban farms. Areas classified as allotments, community gardens and urban farms in the Southampton Open Spaces Hierarchy.


The data in this data set identifies Council managed allotment sites within the County Borough of Bridgend showing the location and details of each allotment.


The allotments data has been created to show the extent of the locations of allotments in the Walsall Borough. The data has been derived from the Ordnance Survey MasterMap Dataset.


Individual allotment plots captured as regions using Ordnance Survey MasterMap; attribution includes the allotment plot number and allotment site name. The data is maintained by the Parks and...


An allotment is an area of land, leased either from a private or local authority landlord, for the use of growing fruit and vegetables. In some cases this land will also be used for the growing of...


Council owned allotment sites and plots. Norwich has more than 1,619 allotment plots on 18 sites. Plots vary in size, and the standard sized plot is 250 square metres, although many plots have been...


Layer showing all allotments in the East Staffordshire Borough Council Area - The allotments are in the process of being passed over to parish councils so the data will not be updated by ESBC in...


Allotments in York. For further information about allotments please visit the [City of York Council website]( *Please note that the data published within this...




Allotment sites


Allotment gardens


Calderdale Allotment polygons.


Allotments plots layer