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4,771 results found

Number of Concerns received

Number of Concerns received

% of Concerns responded to 'In Time'

% of Concerns responded to 'In Time' *This indicator has been discontinued

DCLG Data4NR: Concern about anti-social behaviour

Proportion of people who consider various forms of anti-social behaviour as defined by target, a 'very' or 'fairly big' problem. Data4NR reference.

Consumer Concerns: Experience of nuisance calls

Data collected from a face-to-face survey of UK consumers about their concerns, issues or problems in the communications market, specifically with regard to nuisance calls. We are considering...

NI 027 - Understanding of local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police

This indicator focuses on quality of life issues, specifically with an element of community engagement through asking about seeking peoples views. Understanding and agreeing what priorities are...

NI 021 - Dealing with local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police

Percentage of respondents that agree police and LAs are dealing with anti-social behaviour and crime in the local area.

Court actions concerning housing across England from 1999-2015

Data from the Ministry of Justice titled "Mortgage and Landlord Possession Statistics" which is published in zipped format, presented here in excel and csv format to help make it as useful and...

Regional Authority

With the introduction of the regional government for London (referred to as the Greater London Authority or GLA by OS NGD documentation), the proportional representation voting area for this new...

% of businesses that were compliant with legislation concerning the illegal use and sale of alcohol and tobacco

% of businesses that were compliant with legislation concerning the illegal use and sale of alcohol and tobacco. *This indicator has been discontinued.

Payments made by the Coal Authority

A monthly updated list of all financial transactions made by the Coal Authority

Primary Authority Inspection Plans

A list of the number of Primary Authority Inspection Plans that the FSA has commented on. includes timescales and names of the Primary Authorities

Overseas Fiscal Authorities (OFA)

Data on UK residents received from OFA under OECD Exchange of Information (Not EUSD)

Upper Tier Local Authority

This feature type has been created to provide greater alignment between OS data and Office for National Statistics (ONS) data and to support a wider range of analysis. Welsh and Scottish Unitary...

Lower Tier Local Authority

This feature type has been created to provide greater alignment between OS data and Office for National Statistics (ONS) data and to support a wider range of analysis. Welsh and Scottish Unitary...

Geospatial Data Catalogue: Coal Authority

Working with the Geospatial Commission, the Geo6 organisations have produced a simplified common data catalogue providing core information on the geospatial datasets that they hold and manage. ...

Authority Pension Scheme Records

Records related to the operation of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Pension Schemes.

Northern Ireland Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste Management Statistics

This report concerns Local Authority Collected Municipal and Household waste management for all 26 District Councils in Northern Ireland in the annual reporting year. Source agency: Environment...

Local Authority

*** THIS DATA IS UPDATED DAILY *** This service uses Local Authority data from the electronic Property Mapping Service (e-PIMS). In most cases this is linear, showing the location of an asset...

Survey Compliance Costs to Businesses and Local Authorities

HMRC Survey Compliance Costs To Businesses and Local Authorities - This publication contains statistics of HMRC survey compliance costs Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National...

Local authority children’s services inspections and outcomes

The local authority children's services inspections and outcomes results. Source agency: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Designation: Official Statistics not...