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450 results found

Special consideration in GCSE and A level

Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances. Awarding organisations are required to have procedures...

Allergy Alerts

Sometimes there will be a problem with a food product that means it should not be sold. Then it might be 'withdrawn' (taken off the shelves) or 'recalled' (when customers are asked to return the...

Phytophthora Austrocedri Confirmed Infection Sites GB 10K Grid

The dataset identifies confirmed infections of Phytophthora austrocedri in Great Britain. P. austrocedri is a species of Phytophthora that was only recently ‘described’ (in 2007), although it is...

Special consideration in GCSE and GCE

Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances. Ofqual collects and reports information on the total...

Vaccine Damage Payments

Vaccine Damage Payment is a one-off payment made to severely disabled customers who qualify because their disability has been cause by vaccine damage. The information recorded includes Name,...

AddressBase Islands

AddressBase® Islands delivers the detail for Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands which you find in AddressBase Plus and AddressBase Premium. AddressBase Islands is available in...

HMRC Business Plan Indicator and Quarterly Data Summary

Business plan indicators are initial management information to provide an indication of HMRC's performance, and are therefore subject to revision and audit. Final performance figures will be made...

Greenhouse Gas exchange data from Flanders Moss forest with associated temperature and soil water data

The effect of tree (lodgepole pine) planting with and without intensive drainage on soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes was assessed after 45 yr at a raised peatbog in West Flanders Moss, central...

Disability Services Customer System (Access to work)

Disability Services Customer System. Database of Access to Work applications. Access to Work is a Government programme to support disabled people in work whose health or disability affects the way...

HMRC Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI)

The Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) is based on information held by HM Revenue and Customs tax offices on individuals who could be liable to UK tax. It is carried out annually by HMRC and covers...

Local authority collected waste (quarterly estimates)

Estimates of quarterly waste arisings and management for England units : thousand tonnes notes: table 1: total is not the sum of the parts because sent for recycling differs from what is...

Incidence of harm to children due to ‘failure to monitor’ (retired as of May-15) (NHSOF 5.6)

The total number of safety incidents, causing harm to children due to 'failure to monitor', reported to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) by provider organisations. Please note...

Performance data on Government ICT projects (31 July 2010)

A spreadsheet of details on Government ICT projects as at 31 July 2010 and valued at over £1million. Departments own the data. ERG collated the data. All the data is published apart from that...

Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs)

This dataset has been converted from a download of geography data from the Office for National Statistics [Neighbourhood Statistics]( website. It...

DBS safeguarding referral tables

This dataset shows the number of discretionary barring referrals made to the DBS by sector in relevant calendar years. They relate to the number of referrals made by that sector and do not relate...

Department of Transport Information Asset Register

The department’s Information Asset Register (IAR) is a table of information relating to the important datasets that the department is responsible for. These information assets are managed in line...

Right to Buy sales, England, by Local Authority area

These statistics relate only to sales by local authorities under the Right to Buy scheme and exclude sales by Private Registered Providers (PRPs) under preserved Right to Buy. Sales by PRPs are...

Business As Usual emissions projections and Marginal Abatement Cost Curves for all sectors and countries covered by the EU ETS

These are inputs into the BEIS Carbon Price Models, which are used for analysis, including for estimating impacts on the carbon price of policy changes, and for producing BEIS's updated short-term...

Wild Bird Populations in England

Bird populations have long been considered to provide a good indication of the broad state of wildlife in England. This is because they occupy a wide range of habitats and respond to environmental...

Lake Habitat Survey

Lake Habitat Survey data collected using the standard Lake Habitat Survey (LHS) methodology by accredited surveyors. LHS is a standard survey of a lake where data is collected in a replicable...