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2,184 results found

Dementia Friendly Cafe's

Dementia friendly cafe's including name, address, post code and opening hours

Breast feeding family friendly places

Breast feeding friendly family places including, type, address, contact number and full time/part time.  Please note this list is only where the NHS Foundation Trust has been informed as they...

Friends and Family Test

The responses of maternity patients, and patients who have been treated in an acute setting as inpatients or in A&E, to the question "how likely are you to recommend our ward/A&E...

NHS Friends and Family Test for Staff

From April 2014, NHS England is introducing the Staff Friends and Family Test (FFT) in all NHS trusts providing acute, community, ambulance and mental health services in England. Data will show...

New Deal Databases

New Deal Evaluation Databases (a combination of New deal for Young People, New deal 25+, New deal for Loan Parents, New Deal for Disabled People and New Deal for Partners). New Deal programmes...


This is a polygon dataset that shows new cemetery areas as allocated in the 2005 Adopted Local Plan

New dwellings

Data showing how many new dwellings have been built in Plymouth Including: brownfield sites; conversions; garden land and non-residential greenfield sites.

Scarborough Borough Council New Local Plan Proposed New Road

Extents of the Proposed New Road in the Borough of Scarborough as lines. Created as part of the New Local Plan 2015. Subject to Ordnance Survey Licensing. See...

NNDR New Liabilities

NNDR New Liabilities

New challenges, new chances: skills investment statement 2011 - 2014

An illustrative forecast of the learner provision mix for the 2012/13 and 2013/14 academic years. Also indicates future learner provision based on 2010-11 data. Relates to 'New challenges, new...


new_community_facilities Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of designated land for New Community Facilities (Including Built Sports and Recreation facilities) in the Tendring...

New Burdens Grant

The New Burdens Grant is paid by central government to local authorities under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003.

New Burdens Grant

The New Burdens Grant is paid by central government to local authorities under section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003.

New House Building

Quarterly time series data on Scottish starts and completions by sector from 1980. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Potential New Open Spaces

Potential new open land resources.


new_allocated_employment Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of newly Allocated Employment Sites in the Tendring area. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

New Open Space Provision

New Open Space Provision, as defined in the Blackpool Local Plan 2001/2016 (adopted June 2006)

New Eastern Villages Boundary

New Eastern Villages as within the Submission Local Plan 2013. This boundary is yet to be adopted.

New Cancer Waiting Times

Quarterly New Cancer Waiting Times statistics for the 62-day target: patients urgently referred with a suspicion of cancer to first cancer treatment; and for the 31-day target: all patients...

New Burdens Grant

The amount of new burdens grant paid to the Council. For more information about this grant, please visit