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79 results found

Trust Agents

Data on Trust Agents. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2004/05

Tax Agents

Name and address details of Tax Agents including appropriate agent identifier

Trust Agents

Data on Trust Agents. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2004/05

Key tax deadlines for tax agents

Tax calendar dates for tax agents, regarding Income Tax Pay As You Earn and Self Assessment, National Insurance Contributions and the Construction Industry Scheme.

Number of mortgages to first time buyers in England

This dataset contains quarterly numbers of mortgages to first time buyers in England This dataset contains quarterly number of mortgages to first time buyers in England. The data is owned by the...

Number of mortgages to first time buyers in England

This dataset contains quarterly number of mortgages to first time buyers in England This dataset contains quarterly number of mortgages to first time buyers in England. The data is owned by the...

Pollinators as delivery agents

Feasibility study into the potential of crop pollinators to act as delivery agents of entomopathogenic fungi

Median loan to value ratio for first time buyers

This dataset contains quarterly median loan to value ratios for first time buyers in England. This dataset contains quarterly median loan to value ratios for first time buyers in England. The...

Carrying Agent Approvals 2014

This dataset covers authorisations issued by APHA to carrying agents enabling them to transport rabies susceptible animals imported under licence to quarantine premises in England. The dataset...

Carrying Agent Approvals 2015

This dataset covers authorisations issued by APHA to carrying agents enabling them to transport rabies susceptible animals imported under licence to quarantine premises in England. The dataset...

Number of mortgages to first time buyers in England - Annual rolling total

This dataset comprises annual rolling total of the number of mortgages to first time buyers in England. This dataset comprises annual rolling totals of the number of mortgages to first time buyers...

Median and capital interest payments as a percentage of income for First Time Buyers

This dataset contains quarterly median capital and interest payments as a percentage of income for first time buyers in England This dataset contains quarterly median capital and interest payments...

Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme -Total Equity Loans & Equity Loans First Time Buyers

This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at local authority level and includes total equity loans and equity loans to first time buyers . For data released from 5 March 2015...

Help to Buy Equity Loan Scheme, by district (Total Equity Loans & Equity Loans First Time Buyers)

This data set contains Help to Buy: Equity Loan statistics at local authority level and includes total equity loans and equity loans to first time buyers . For data released from 5 March 2015...

Annual UK Property Transaction Statistics

Annual estimates of the number of residential and non-residential property transactions in the UK, by type of property, buyer, price range and geographical location. Previously listed under...

Statutory Compliance data

Facilities Management information on a number of issues including statutory compliance, fire, health and safety and environment. Compliance checks to ensure that building owners, landlords and...

Median House Prices (Land Registry)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Mean House Prices - Land Registry (Quarterly)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Mean House Prices (Land Registry)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...

Lower Quartile House Prices - Land Registry (Quarterly)

Annual house price inflation, simple and mix-adjusted average house prices, by dwelling, type of buyer, number of transactions, mortgage advances, distribution of borrowers' ages/incomes, interest...