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Sector Mentoring Challenge Fund

This data set supports figure 1 and figure 2 in the Sector Mentoring Challenge Fund prospectus and is taken from the Small Business Survey 2012: SME employers.

Camden Open Data Challenge

Camden Open Data Challenge

New challenges, new chances: skills investment statement 2011 - 2014

An illustrative forecast of the learner provision mix for the 2012/13 and 2013/14 academic years. Also indicates future learner provision based on 2010-11 data. Relates to 'New challenges, new...

WIAT Challenge Fund Boundary

The Woodlands In and Around Towns (WIAT) programme provides the focus for Scottish Forestry's work on improving quality of life in towns and cities. This dataset relates to the second phase of the...

WIAT Challenge Fund Footpaths

Woodlands In and Around Towns (WIAT) Challenge Fund Footpaths The Woodlands In and Around Towns (WIAT) programme provides the focus for Scottish Forestry's work on improving quality of life in...

Routine Quarterly Mental Health Minimum Dataset Reports

Mental Health Minimum Data Set (MHMDS) is a regular return of data from providers of NHS funded adult secondary mental health services, produced during in the course of delivering services to...

WIAT Challenge Fund Car Park

The Woodlands In and Around Towns (WIAT) programme provides the focus for Scottish Forestry's work on improving quality of life in towns and cities. This dataset related to the second phase of the...

Routine orphan zoonoses database

To store de-duplicated and cleaned data on orphan zoonoses from labbase

% of population smoking (routine and manual workers) (APS)

% of population smoking (routine and manual workers) (APS) *This indicator has been discontinued

1990 Marine Biological Association Challenger and Scanner Pockmarks RRS Challenger Cruise 70 sediment and water column gas survey

Samples taken to determine the biology and geochemistry of the sediments within a pockmark in the basin. Distribution of subsurface and water column gases were mapped, with gas samples collected...

1990 Marine Biological Association Challenger and Scanner Pockmarks RRS Challenger Cruise 70 sediment and water column gas survey

Samples taken to determine the biology and geochemistry of the sediments within a pockmark in the basin. Distribution of subsurface and water column gases were mapped, with gas samples collected...

Cambridgeshire Policy Challenges: Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange (CUSPE)

A selection of research projects investigating policy challenges across Cambridgeshire

Virus shedding and food consumption in KHV challenged Carp

The dataset details feeding behaviour and mucus virus titres of 20 Carp challenged with Koi Herpes Virus (KHV). More specifically, 20 carp were bath challenged with KHV (E1-E20) for four hours at...

Virus shedding and food consumption in KHV challenged Carp

The dataset details feeding behaviour and mucus virus titres of 20 Carp challenged with Koi Herpes Virus (KHV). More specifically, 20 carp were bath challenged with KHV (E1-E20) for four hours at...

ESPRC project report: Understanding the challenges of CO2 storage: results of the CASSEM Project

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a crucial technology to enable the decarbonisation of fossil fuel electricity generation. The UK has considerable potential for geological storage of CO2 under...

OS Open Greenspace

Find the location of public parks, playing fields, sports facilities, play areas, allotments and more with OS Open Greenspace. A valuable dataset to stimulate creative thinking and innovation to...

GP Extended Opening Hours

Provides information pertaining to the Governments key priorities for improving routine access to GP services in evenings and at weekends. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics...

Gap in smoking prevalence rate between adult general population and adults in routine and manual occupations

Gap in smoking prevalence rate between adult general population and adults in routine and manual occupations. *This indicator has been discontinued.

Recorded Dementia Diagnoses

The recorded prevalence of dementia at GP Practice level. These data are published in support of the Dementia Strategy and the Dementia Challenge.

Dementia Diagnoses - ethnicity

The recorded prevalence of dementia, by ethnicity at Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) level. These data are published in support of the Dementia Strategy and the Dementia Challenge