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405 results found

Chronic Disease Register

Medical Record - RNAS Yeovilton

GP recorded chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rates (COPD)

A dataset providing GP recorded chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rates.  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a serious long-term lung disease in which the flow of air into the...

Myocardial infarction, stroke and stage 5 chronic kidney disease in people with diabetes (CCGOIS 1.4)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio for myocardial infarction, stroke and stage 5 chronic kidney disease in people with diabetes. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Sep-18

Chronic renal failure: Mortality rate

Deaths from chronic renal failure. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and...

People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Medical Research Council Dyspnoea Scale >= 3 referred to a pulmonary rehabilitation programme (CCGOIS 2.3)

The percentage of people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Medical Research Council (MRC) Dyspnoea Scale >=3, identified on GP systems, referred to a pulmonary rehabilitation...


This factsheet provides a focus on chronic kidney disease in Camden.

Camden CLD Profile Aug 2014

This public health intelligence profile describes the trends and patterns in chronic liver disease (CLD) in Camden.

Years of Life Lost (YLL): Chronic renal failure

Years of Life Lost (YLL) as a result of death from chronic renal failure. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher:...

Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF): Disease prevalence, achievement and exceptions data

Disease prevalence and achievement/exception performance against key indicators for GP Practices as part of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). Data is presented in CSV files for the...

Camden CKD Prevalence 2014-15

Recorded and expected prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Camden, by GP practice, 2014/15 Note: To view the charts with the correct formatting, please click the Enable editing button...

Camden COPD Prevalence 2014-15

Recorded and expected prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Camden, by GP practice, 2014/15 Note: To view the charts with the correct formatting, please click the Enable...

Unplanned hospitalisation for chronic ambulatory care sensitive conditions (CCGOIS 2.6)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for unplanned hospitalisation for chronic ambulatory care sensitive conditions per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence intervals...

Deaths from Respiratory Disease

This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75) from Respiratory Disease, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. Smoking is the major cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary...

Unplanned hospitalisation for chronic ambulatory care sensitive conditions (NHSOF 2.3.i)

This indicator measures how many people with specific long-term conditions, which should not normally require hospitalisation, are admitted to hospital in an emergency. These conditions include,...

Massaria Disease of Plane Survey England 10K Grid 2015

10K Grid of UK showing areas where surveys have been carried out under contract for Massaria Disease of Plane. Attributes give the year(s) surveys have been carried out and the year the disease...

Mortality from hypertensive disease

Deaths from hypertensive disease . Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and...

Disease Vocabulary Notifiable Diseases

This vocabulary contains a list of notifiable diseases Great Britian. Notifiable diseases in this context are animal diseases that an animal owner/keeper is under legal obligation to report to the...

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: chronic conditions usually managed in primary care

Emergency admissions to hospital for chronic conditions (asthma, diabetes) usually managed in primary care settings Source: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Office for National Statistics...

Mortality from infectious and parasitic disease

Deaths from infectious and parasitic disease . Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) -...

Years of Life Lost (YLL): Hypertensive disease

Years of Life Lost (YLL) as a result of death from hypertensive disease . Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher:...