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6,099 results found

Monitoring Determinants

Connective Reference Data (Code-List) that lists the things that Defra and its Arms Length Bodies Monitor. This does not currently exist in a consolidated form but exists in part in each...

Clinical Senior Lectureship awards for clinical medicine and dentistry

The clinical senior lectureship awards for clinical medicine and dentistry were developed with UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC). They aimed to support trained clinical academics in...

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) Contains: Eccg.csv contains parent CCGs. This data is for current organisations, plus data for organisations that have closed in the current or previous...

SNOMED Clinical Terms

SNOMED Clinical Terms

Clinical incidents and complaints

Statutory information collected for regulatory purpose

Contaminated Land Determined Sites

Contaminated Land Part 2A Determined Sites

Ambulance Quality Indicators Clinical Outcomes

Clinical outcomes from ambulance services. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Ambulance Clinical...

Clinical Commissioning Group Sites

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Sites Contains: Eccgsite.csv contains just CCG sites. This data is for current organisations, plus data for organisations that have closed in the current...


This report contains information about clinics in England. NHS Choices considers clinics as locations that provide predominantly outpatient services.

Ambulance Quality Indicators Clinical Outcomes

Clinical outcomes from ambulance services. Source agency: NHS England Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Ambulance...

Wider determinants of health in Camden: key statistics

A summary and progress of the wider factors that affects health and wellbeing of the population in Camden

Clinical / Social Care Negligence Cases in Northern Ireland

Information collected by HSC Trusts agencies and legacy health and social services boards on all clinical / social care negligence cases in Northern Ireland Source agency: Health, Social Service...

Clinical Commissioning Groups

Clinical Commissioning Groups (April 2016) full clipped, generalised boundaries in England. Boundaries for these geographies have been generalised (to 20 metres) and clipped. You can find further...

NSTA Onshore Field Determinations (WGS84)

Onshore field determinations

NSTA Offshore Field Determinations (BNG)

Onshore field determinations

NSTA Offshore Field Determinations (WGS84)

Offshore field determinations 

NSTA Offshore Field Determinations (ED50)

Offshore field determinations 

NSTA Offshore Field Determinations (ETRS89)

Offshore field determinations 

Contaminated Land Determined Site - Rochdale Borough Council

Sites which have been determined as contaminated land in accordance with Part 2A of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act (EPA) within the District of Rochdale MBC.

% of other applications determined within 8 Weeks (NPI157c)

% of other applications determined within 8 Weeks (NPI157c) *This indicator has been discontinued