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482 results found


A catchment of River Thames, ending in Reading. Catchment number 39130.

UK Read Code

UK Read Code Read Codes are a coded thesaurus of clinical terms and have been used in the NHS since 1985. There are two versions: version 2 (v2) and version 3 (CTV3 or v3), they provide the...

Community Payback Orders Commenced

This publication gives monthly figures on the number of community payback orders which have been issued by Scottish courts. It is a temporary data collection to provide early information on the...

Library Visits - Rowntree Park Reading Cafe

Library Visits - Rowntree Park Reading Cafe

Books Borrowed - Rowntree Park Reading Cafe

Books Borrowed - Rowntree Park Reading Cafe

Map based index (GeoIndex) gravity readings

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of land and marine gravity observations on the UK mainland, Northern Ireland, offshore islands, tidal estuaries and seabed. Most of...

Books Borrowed - Sycamore House Reading Library

Books Borrowed - Sycamore House Reading Library *This indicator has been discontinued

reading planning applications 1/1/14

Reading Borough Council dataset for planning applications from 1/1/14

Library Visits - Sycamore House Reading Cafe

Library Visits - Sycamore House Reading Cafe *This indicator has been discontinued

Domestic Consumption Monitor - monthly meter readings

Monthly meter readings expressed as mean litres/day. These readings are of customers paying their bill by rateable value. Customers have been selected to be representative of the Yorkshire...

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study is an international survey of the educational achievement of the equivalent of year 5 pupils across the world organised by the IEA. A total of...

NHS South Reading CCG payments over £25,000

NHS South Reading CCG payments to suppliers over £25,000

Early Learning Project (ELP); meter read data - 8 datasets

One-off download of meter read data for ELP consumption analysis research project

Energy Follow Up Survey (EFUS) Meter reading data - 3 datasets

Meter reading data for the EFUS survey respondents

Map based index (GeoIndex) offshore magnetic readings

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows unadjusted ship gravity, magnetic and bathymetry data acquired by BGS as part of its Offshore Reconnaisance Mapping Programme. This programme...

Domestic consumption monitor - monthly meter readings

Monthly meter readings expressed as mean litres/day. These readings are of customers paying their bill by rateable value. Customers have been selected to be representative of the Yorkshire Water...

Spend over 25k for NHS North and West Reading CCG

Payments made to suppliers by NHS North and West Reading CCG with a value over £25,000

%pt gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their peers - Key Stage 2 Reading, Writing & Maths (aged 10-11)

%pt gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their peers - Key Stage 2 Reading, Writing & Maths (aged...

%pt gap in achievement of Level 4+ Reading, Writing & Maths at Key Stage 2 between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their peers - (Snapshot)

%pt gap in achievement of Level 4+ Reading, Writing & Maths at Key Stage 2 between disadvantaged pupils (eligible for FSM in the last 6 years, children in care and adopted from care) and their...

Foot and Mouth Disease 2001 - Daily Overview Maps - Week Commencing 24.09.2001

Daily maps to show the number of confirmed Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) cases and Form A (Suspected FMD premises) within each infected area for GB. Attribution statement: ©Crown Copyright, APHA 2016